Example sentences of "[not/n't] [v-ing] anything at " in BNC.

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1 They 're not paying anything at the moment on laybys .
2 You have another country along that coast , Nigeria , which has just got to the stage where it 's got through its forest and it 's not exporting anything at all , if anything it 's importing .
3 Well I 'm not buying anything at the moment but if you wan na have a look round .
4 ‘ I 'm not saying anything at all about him . ’
5 ‘ Terry and I tried to cut back on the silly stories by not doing anything at all , but then they attacked the fact that we were n't doing anything , ’ she said .
6 Erm you 're now you 're not doing anything at the moment , we we agreed it was resting .
7 Oh she 's erm , she 's not doing anything at the moment because erm
8 When the subject of education was brought up and it was pointed out that the girl had not been going to school he said that she was not learning anything at school anyway , that she was much safer here than at the school she had been to , where she had been threatened with knives in the playground and that she could learn all a wife needed to know better at home .
9 It just smelt like Christmas cake cooking , and I was n't cooking anything at all .
10 on the ar , we well you know we 've paid for his education since he was seven because he was n't doing anything at primary school !
11 I was n't plotting anything at all .
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