Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] fully [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 We also acknowledge that the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys categories of disability severity have not been fully validated , but this scoring system was used to illustrate the broad similarity of severity in clients from each of the six subgroups ( table I ) .
2 Although the question posed by a CF adult : ‘ Are you sure beyond reasonable doubt that we should live our lives wondering who or what will contaminate us with P , cepacia ’ has not been fully answered , our investigations support the conclusion of a recent editorial that the ‘ risks can not be ignored ’ .
3 Existing international agreements , such as the ILO Convention , have not been fully ratified by all member states , and are regarded as inadequate in providing for the needs of the successful creation of the SEM .
4 Despite a good deal of lip-service being paid to the need for appropriate admissions procedures , properly formulated care or ‘ treatment ’ plans , and professionally qualified and adequately supervised groupworkers , these objectives have not been fully realized .
5 It operates on the principle of " one person , one vote , " but there is now some dispute as to its legitimacy and that of the government it produces on the grounds that the principle of " one person , one vote , one value " has not been fully realized .
6 Although the ANC at its national conference earlier in the month had agreed to the phased lifting of sanctions [ see p. 38324 ] , the organization considered that the step was premature since two of the conditions stipulated in the CAAA had not been fully met — first , the political violence in the country was not conducive to a " climate for free political activity " , and second , the ANC disputed the US view that all political prisoners had been released .
7 However , error introduced into digital map databases through the digitizing process is often ignored because the characteristics of digitizing error have not been fully defined and because no practical means of handling input data uncertainty exist within proprietary GIS software .
8 The precise level of risk associated with new adenomas that occur after polypectomy has not been fully defined , however , and there is still some debate over the length of adequate surveillance .
9 Although the mechanisms of impaired motility have not been fully defined , infiltration of intestinal smooth muscle and gastrointestinal neuropathy with amyloid involvement of the autonomic nerves have been reported .
10 She wrinkled her nose in irritation , wishing that her father had had the foresight to warn her that it had not been fully completed , instead of waving her on her way with a cheery remark about how the change would do her good .
11 The table below shows when you should get your child immunised ( but if your child is older and has not been fully immunised it is not too late to see your doctor ) .
12 In practice these were the two main elements of the development officer 's service ; but there were two additional important elements which had not been fully foreseen : direct support from the development officers to clients and their relatives , and the monitoring of clients ' situations over time .
13 Many factors may contribute to the increased incidence of large-vessel disease in diabetic patients , as in non-diabetic subjects ; however , the increased incidence in diabetics has not been fully explained in terms of known risk factors ( Jarrett et al , 1982 ) .
14 Caerulein induced pancreatitis represents a reproducible model suitable to study the effects of potentially ameliorating agents but the mechanism of the pancreatic damage has not been fully explained .
15 The splitting up of attributes between men and women makes the division of labour seem easier and more natural , but it can be a damaging process for both sexes when men are made to carry aspects of themselves which have been denied or have not been fully explored .
16 Jersey courts do , however , look at Norman customary law and it appears that the existence of any kind of market overt rule has not been fully explored .
17 This is a prodigiously deep fissure or cave system in the mass if which has still not been fully explored but which by 1979 had been traced by speleologists to a depth of 4,400 feet .
18 In all cases the potential available has probably not been fully explored in geomorphology ( Mosley and Zimpfer , 1978 ) but of all the limitations the difficulty of overcoming the scale problem and of relating the observations to geophysical event sequences ( e.g. Fig. 5.1 ) have been most evident .
19 Until recently the potential role of parasitic systems as models for understanding patterns and processes in community ecology has not been fully explored .
20 Bob Hodson-Smith warned Active Business Services ( ABS ) of Sheffield that the software , the Safety Related Plant Status Monitoring System or Status , had not been fully tested and that Nuclear Electric should be warned of the potential difficulties .
21 A twenty year mortgage taken out on the property amounting to £24,000 has not been fully repaid .
22 Not only is it allowing certain health authorities to waste millions of pounds on computer systems that do n't work , it also allowed the London Ambulance Service to put lives at risk with a system that had not been fully proven in practice .
23 The argument was rejected , in part , because the provisions of the Geneva Convention had not been fully incorporated into English law , despite being ratified .
24 Hard physical work is frequently necessary because the other factors have not been fully employed .
25 Fourth , though the concept of a legal right to decent housing has not been fully accepted by government , local authorities are legally required to provide some type of shelter for most of the homeless .
26 The time of The Smiths ' appearance had not been fully publicised yet , as the strain of Prokoviev 's ‘ Romeo and Juliet ’ filled the hall , the atmosphere in G-Mex became as intense as Old Trafford on a rare day of victory .
27 Certainly , on the information available to club members , it appeared that their own case had not been fully represented and that the printing and distribution of such information did not reflect the feelings and attitudes of those present , as well as the many thousands of other members throughout the country , who may not be aware of the proposed publication .
28 So far the demographic and market data contained in these records have not been fully extracted before the data are disposed of .
29 However , as in many other countries , its importance has not been fully recognized .
30 It admits that funds are needed for training and basic equipment , and finds that the principles of community care have often not been fully understood .
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