Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] very successful " in BNC.

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1 The government has attempted some favela removal programs , but these have not been very successful , mainly because the new housing schemes are too expensive .
2 State socialism has not been very successful in transferring technology between countries , and has brought its own kind of exploitation ( as the Yugoslavs discovered in the first few years after the war ) .
3 The realignment of exchange rates discussed above might suggest that it has not been very successful in promoting greater exchange rate stability .
4 Erm and as part of that committee I believe we 've not been very successful .
5 Mervyn had visited the flat once for tea on a Sunday afternoon when her mother was still alive , but the occasion had not been very successful .
6 On the other hand Tissington & Co. ( or the Arrad Company ) were not being very successful in their business activities .
7 I have n't been very successful with my aubergines the last couple of years , as they keep being eaten by caterpillars .
8 Katharine replied that she had done shoulder-in and hand had a go at half-pass , but that it had n't been very successful !
9 I 've tried to adapt an adult 's one but have n't been very successful .
10 World travel market attended , the club promotion , although it 's still running , has n't been very successful , over four hundred bed nights into the campaign , as a result of that short running promotion .
11 He wanted her to talk but he was n't being very successful , her answers were as near monosyllabic as she could make them .
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