Example sentences of "[vb -s] n't seem [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It does n't seem at this moment in time that a reprieve is really on the cards .
2 ‘ There just does n't seem to be an end to it , ’ she said .
3 But it does n't seem to be an acceptable idea that something like burglary or a street crime can cause quite severe emotional disturbance . ’
4 Critics seem to have it the other way round , so there 's a lot of stuff talked about me using different styles , but there does n't seem to be much said about whether it works , or whether it 's done with taste , or whether the end result is worth having .
5 They also agree that a debate does n't seem to be taking place .
6 He does n't seem to be able to master the technique .
7 Sometimes when a person comes home from work and there does n't seem to be anyone there to greet them , they will call out like the horse in the paddock .
8 There does n't seem to be any equivalent insult for a boy .
9 ‘ The business does n't seem to be exactly thriving , ’ he remarked .
10 ‘ You see , Brownies , this hall is being pulled down in a few weeks ' time and new houses put up in its place , and there just does n't seem to be anywhere else for us to meet .
11 ‘ Well , there does n't seem to be anything wrong , ’ said Heather regretfully , standing on a five-barred gate and peering over the fields .
12 There does n't seem to be any pastry left for her though ; what do you think we could do ?
13 ‘ She looks as if she 's asleep and he does n't seem to be having much fun either . ’
14 It does n't seem to be affected by the power . ’
15 What it means for the broader economy is that the current housing crisis is more serious than ever , and there does n't seem to be an end in sight .
16 There are traces of blue-green algae on the tips of some of the plant leaves , but it does n't seem to be spreading as yet .
17 Surprisingly , this does n't seem to be the case with the Rockwood .
18 Yet , as the champagne flows and the cheers resound , as diamonds and pearls shimmer on black dresses and white-gloved waiters slice their way through the crowd with continuous supplies of Bucks Fizz or just straight champagne , there does n't seem to be much love for particular MPs .
19 Expats are supposed to register in the constituency where they last lived , but there does n't seem to be much checking of bona fides .
20 One contributor pointed out that there does n't seem to be any very good reason for the bill .
21 But there does n't seem to be much in it for the peoples themselves .
22 It does n't seem to be Farrakhanist in origin , though the role of the Rev Louis Farrakhan in the uprising has probably been much underestimated .
23 There does n't seem to be a moment that goes by when I 'm not thinking about food .
24 Judging by his recent form though — he smashed the course record at the Lamplight 5M road working and does n't seem to be hampering him unduly .
25 Furthermore she does n't seem to be the least bit worried .
26 There does n't seem to be any great love lost between Reed and Harris , and even now Harris says , ‘ Oliver and I have never met but I 'm a great admirer of his .
27 ‘ There is — but it does n't seem to be enforced . ’
28 That strength of will you say he has … well , it does n't seem to be working . ’
29 ‘ Does n't look right to me , and it does n't seem to be getting any nearer . ’
30 But Edward Carr , trade correspondent of The Economist , is not so sure : ‘ What 's worrying is that there does n't seem to be anyone in control any more .
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