Example sentences of "[vb -s] the [noun] to give " in BNC.

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1 It does not say that the Spirit or the Son begs the Father to give us what he otherwise might not .
2 He said , ‘ Your boy obviously has the ability to give of his best when his best is required .
3 The giving of the necessities of life from one who has the goods to give , to one who has not , is the province of charity , and charity , relieved of its religious trappings and admitted to be a matter of free will , is a wholly commendable human virtue .
4 Because she alone has the capacity to give birth to and nurse children , her primary function is seen as one of mother and homemaker … it is clear that working occupies a more important place in the lives of men than women .
5 What message has the minister to give to the five hundred and five employees of Barclays Bank in London whose new year began with receipt of a redundancy notice at the very moment when the bank 's new chief executive was having his pay doubled to seven hundred and thirty seven thousand pounds a year .
6 Since the group covers the range of network technologies ( it includes hub , adaptor , router , switching , silicon and network operating system software companies ) it feels that it has the breadth to give the 100Base-VG proposal credibility , regardless of whether it eventually forms the basis of an IEEE standard .
7 There 's only one issue to which you should be giving your time and energy and that has the potential to give you back far more than you could ever lose .
8 Conversely , you may be entitled to disobey an instruction which management ostensibly has the power to give .
9 This requires some time to be spent on organising access to playback machines and on introducing teachers to the concept , but that time is well spent as it then frees the tutor to give individual guidance to teachers with problems .
10 With standard lager prices falling and added-value extra fill promotions becoming almost a permanent feature , Tonks sees the need to give customers an incentive .
11 This requires the individual to give up his right to free use of some or all NHS services and instead to look after his own health needs , either in the private sector or by paying the NHS .
12 These are : ( a ) a request for entry of appeal ( N209 ) stating the names and addresses of persons intended to be served ( the respondents ) and the appellant 's address for service , together with as many copies as there are respondents ; ( b ) a copy of the order , decision or award appealed against ; ( c ) where the enactment under which the appeal lies requires the appellant to give to the other parties notice in writing of his intention to appeal and of the grounds of his appeal , a copy of such notice ; in any other case the request for entry of appeal must include the grounds of the appeal ; ( 3 ) payment of fees for issue and for service by bailiff if appropriate ( see Table of Fees ) ; ( 4 ) a self-addressed envelope if issued by post .
13 The amendment requires the court to give reasons if it does not make a compensation order in circumstances where it has power to do so .
14 This usually requires the tenant to give sixty or ninety days ' notice , sometimes after an agreed minimum period of four to six months .
15 Common sense ( or observation ) may show that the pattern of behaviour requires the forecaster to give progressively less weight to values the further back in time they occur .
16 However , if the nurse takes the time to give information to the patient , it has been shown in various studies to be beneficial ( Hayward , 1975 ; Wilson-Barnett , 1978 ; Boore , 1979 ; Bond , 1982 ) .
17 BR takes the strain to give passengers brighter outlook British Rail is set to unveil a multi-million pound project to up-grade the North-East network in the next few weeks .
18 " … Without prejudice to other subjects raised by governments or by the Commission … the European Council asks the conference to give particular attention to the following :
19 The aqueous micelles comprising droplets of 1-octanol stabilised by octanoate ( surfactant is generated upon addition of sodium permanganate , which oxidises the alcohol to give the salt ) , could have biological relevance , because these may have been among the first prebiotic structures able to self-replicate .
20 This float enables the assistant to give customers change early in the day , before more cash comes in from sales .
21 But in an election that , as Vernon Bogdanor wrote in the Independent on Sunday , ‘ enables the elector to give expression to those hopes and fears no opinion poll can be sensitive enough to register and reflects the way the nation perceives itself ’ , he embodied exactly those things that the constituency that Labour was trying to woo back — the new working class — is trying its damnedest to escape from .
22 When the federal government wants to give ‘ selective ’ credits — at a cheap rate — to ‘ priority ’ industries , or for ‘ priority ’ purposes , it does not raise the taxes necessary to finance these credits : instead , it instructs the banks to give the credits .
23 Supposedly acting as a healing herb , it presumably also heats the needle to give an additional , soothing effect .
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