Example sentences of "[vb -s] none [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The test machine contains a 10-kW turbine and a 4-metre rotor , which is turned by both incoming and outgoing tides ; it will be anchored to the sea bed and therefore needs none of the costly and environmentally damaging civil engineering works associated with other tidal power schemes such as barrages .
2 But Braque 's work contains none of the expressionistic violence of Picasso 's .
3 In contrast , the portrait of Ahmed has none of the disdain which could be observed in the writer 's article about Michael X. Ahmed 's bluffs are called , but they are understood , and carefully related to his earlier life on the island .
4 While this contributes to crime prevention , especially with respect to joy-riders who steal and drive cars at speed at might ( which requires neighbourhood men in West Belfast to work might duty ) , it has none of the wider community service functions evident in Easton .
5 Very much the unsung hero of Mercedes ' 190 range , the six-cylinder 2.6 has none of the cosmetic bravura that distinguishes the 2.5–16 from its lesser stablemates .
6 On politics , it has none of the Washington Post 's killer instincts .
7 It has none of the spontaneity of Barrie , nor any of the wistful melancholy that lies submerged beneath the bright surface of the tale .
8 It has none of the spontaneity of Barrie , nor any of the wistful melancholy that lies submerged beneath the bright surface of the tale .
9 So many mixed feelings of guilt and anxiety , love and hate can blur the issue that it may be important to adopt the suggestion of one therapist and discuss all the issues with a wise counsellor , perhaps a minister or some other friend of the family , who knows most of the people concerned but has none of the strong emotional involvement of a family member .
10 Its weakest point is the character of Pat — while the two men are realistically observed , Pat ( who has none of the shrewd toughness of her profession ) , is a fluff-headed mechanical doll who inexplicably switches from initial dislike of Sonny to a lovestruck Shirley Valentine .
11 He has none of the other worries or tasks that you have to deal with daily .
12 But Singer omits the ‘ all ’ in the two concluding sentences of the quotation which gives the misleading impression that Prince Charles has none of the rights of a king .
13 By comparison housework is boring , lonely , unrewarding work , and it has none of the prestige associated with meeting famous people and working in a glamorous establishment like Claridges .
14 Aswan has none of the melancholy transience of most end-of the-line towns .
15 The carving of the features on the youth 's head , fig. 70 , is so like that of the girl 's that they may well be the work of one artist ; but this has none of the other 's contradictions .
16 The banner ‘ Faith Hope Love ’ has none of the cynicism of Megadeth 's ‘ Peace Sells …
17 This has none of the mysticism about it , but has been hammered in by a pragmatic human being , after careful choice of the most suitable section available .
18 The banner ‘ Faith Hope Love ’ has none of the cynicism of Megadeth 's ‘ Peace Sells …
19 The down-side is that the critic 's representation of the text has none of the authority that objectivity would lend to the analysis .
20 By the time he meets his benefactor Pip has none of the sympathy of the reader as he is snobby , condescending and harsh towards Magwitch as is shown in this quote from Pip
21 The latter declares *John was seen leave ungrammatical because the embedded clause seen leave is " unsupported " , i.e. constitutes " a subject — predicate sequence that exhibits none of the internal inflectional structures of a full sentence or clausal complementation " ( i.e. neither tense , nor infinitival to , nor progressive -ing ) , whereas John was seen to leave is said to be grammatical because here leave is " supported " ( by to ) , and can therefore serve as an argument for the verb see ( pp. 123 – 4 ) .
22 Pearl uses none of the electronic or ‘ sound enhancing ’ techniques currently fashionable , and aims to concentrate on extracting from the original grooves the essence of music .
23 This is neither brash , spotty punk nor controlled smoothly executed musicianship but a careful balance which utilises the expertise of the latter and loses none of the instantaneous excitement of the former .
24 He says none of the parties can afford to ignore the fact that thousands of people die of starvation each week .
25 It offers none of the support for removable drives ( floppies and Syquest volumes ) that Stacker provides , which some will doubtless miss , but is purely and simply ( and simple is the watch word here ) a device for squeezing more data onto a fixed disk drive .
26 ( a ) The prohibition in paragraph ( 2 ) of this rule shall not apply to a business consisting of a management consultancy or a company secretarial service and which offers none of the services specified in that paragraph save the drafting of documents under sub-paragraph ( 2 ) ( j ) and the giving of legal advice , provided such drafting or advice is ancillary to the main purpose of the business .
27 So everything in between has an unfulfilling lack of immediacy , and instead of being drawn more vividly into the drama ( which is presumably the principal justification for recording live ) we experience a remoteness that characterizes none of the studio recordings with which this version has to be compared .
28 It is strongly influenced by Greek and Etruscan artists and happily shows none of the degeneracy evident in some later Roman work ( PLATES 14 and 19 ) .
29 For example while the coil orientation shown in Fig. 10a produces the largest output , that 10b links none of the changing flux and has a null output .
30 It includes none of the solo numbers that were published in Select Songs — which is not surprising : Purcell 's pupils could easily buy a copy of that .
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