Example sentences of "[vb -s] through in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Wonder how many frying-pans and kettles he gets through in a week , he mused .
2 I would just like to know how much real work that young man gets through in a day .
3 Yes I think a team that can go away and sneak a win will be the team that gets through in the end .
4 Innocent 's sense of history breaks through in every line .
5 If you make sure the butt points at the target in the initial stages , and the tip follows through in a straight line , you will acquire both distance and accuracy after only a short period of practice .
6 It 's hard to imagine anybody writing more artificially , but I hope you feel , as I do , there can hardly be a piece of poetry in which the distress of the poet and the feeling that he may be wasting his time comes through in a more anguished fashion .
7 I hope this comes through in the recordings .
8 ‘ If you have a room which is meant to be a meeting place of all the chief Daleks , and what they 're talking about is power — power over other civilisations , power over other planets — then power and domination is what comes through in the dialogue , and is the feeling behind what you want to create .
9 I mean you 've got to try and keep yourself afloat , and then even that 's not going to help you , if nobody comes along and picks you up either , so I mean that But I mean I I did n't Oh well I Suppose I could say I gave up hope a few times but obviously if you s The struggle to survive comes through in the long run , and I mean it 's it 's not easy to give up hope ,
10 ‘ Echo ’ is a useful word , for that in a way is what the poem 's metric is based on ; there is no immediate similarity of stanza-form to Bilbo 's song , but once again the ‘ elvish ’ idea of poetry comes through in an unexpected subtlety .
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