Example sentences of "[vb -s] a [adj] role " in BNC.

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1 This latter type of description specifies a typical role which a character plays in a scene , but the term role will be reserved for the role-filler notion discussed already , to avoid confusion .
2 Nor does it immediately show us how this approach allots a special role to the economy , since the dominant contradiction of a society may be a feature of any practice at all , and may change with circumstances .
3 In this sense it has a similar role to that of the Office of Fair Trading in relation to UK competition rules such as the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 , the Fair Trading Act 1973 and the Competition Act 1980 , although in a number of respects and in particular in so far as the Commission has the power to take binding decisions , its powers are more extensive than the Office of Fair Trading .
4 For the strategic visionary , repetition has a similar role — to develop an intimacy with the subject at hand , to deal with strategy as ‘ craft ’ , as one of us has noted elsewhere :
5 When two families start living together for whatever reason , everyone has a new role to play and , until new house rules have been established , the children are bound to feel insecure , jealous and anxious .
6 Modern government has a strategic role , not to replace the market but to ensure that the market works properly .
7 The Bank of England has a pivotal role in the London money market in that it acts as the main banker to both the central government and the clearing banks .
8 To change this , communication has a decisive role to play . ’
9 The aim of this study is to investigate whether a subclinical impairment of the autonomic nervous system is present in patients with slow transit idiopathic constipation , and whether it has a possible role in the pathogenesis of this motility disorder .
10 Iron has a crucial role to play in the efficient working of the human body and is vital to healthy living .
11 The GP has a crucial role to play in the development of health services .
12 The Report of the Swann Committee in 1985 added weight to the widely held view that in Britain 's culturally and racially pluralistic society the education system has a crucial role to play in promoting racial harmony .
13 The headteacher has a crucial role in not only convincing the staff of the importance of marketing but in actually getting them to do something about it .
14 Manchester Computing Centre has a crucial role to play in the care of the datasets .
15 ‘ It has a symbolic role to play . ’
16 Extensification also has a limited role and the pilot beef and sheep extensification scheme is a useful start .
17 Not only are characters within the tale likened to animals — for instance the miller , proud as a peacock , with his skull " " piled as an ape " " , or his wife , " " peert as is a pye " " ( 3926 , 3935 , 3950 ) — but an animal has a substantial role to play in the story : the clerk 's horse , a stallion , who even has a name , Bayard .
18 Indications are that costs will compare favourably with , for instance , the cost of a bed in a private nursing home ; additional benefits of a local authority specialist unit may be the ability to provide services such as carers ' support , home care , day care , despite staff training to maximise the use of staff and buildings It is always more difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive services but the higher cost of specialist provision may be offset if it has a preventive role in the wider community .
19 The French tyre manufacturer has a key role to play in the Bugatti , and is developing the world 's first ultra-high performance tyre specifically for four-wheel drive supercars .
20 In pursuing this aim , IDB 's Marketing Development Division has a key role to play through the wide range of support which it can offer to all sizes of companies in Northern Ireland involved in manufacturing or providing internationally tradeable services .
21 The Teacher Placement Service has a key role as any in this .
22 The chemist has a key role to play in protecting resources , health and the environment , and also preventing the ‘ dumping ’ in developing countries of chemicals rejected as too dangerous for use in the industrial world .
23 It is not surprising to find , therefore , that the womb has a key role in many religious teachings .
24 The second messenger InsP 3 has a key role in controlling both the mobilization of internal stores and the entry of external calcium .
25 Dreaming has a key role in psychoanalytic theory .
26 Medical audit has a key role in negotiating and monitoring standards of asthma care .
27 The financial controller has a key role to play in facilitating this learning process by improving the way in which the cost-accounting system reveals what really are the cost-drivers ( i.e. the factors really leading to the incidence of specific types of costs ) .
28 Saunders argues that the home has a key role in providing such ontological security , a sense of refuge to which people can retreat and be themselves .
29 There is obviously much uncertainty in these broad generalizations , but geomorphic evidence has a key role to play in relating such global tectonic models to the geological history of the continents .
30 We believe that N C V O has a key role to play in involving the voluntary sector in representing your concerns .
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