Example sentences of "[vb -s] itself [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But what stands stark and clear , above all speculation , arguments , discussions and justifications , is the fact that anything which allows itself to be used to sustain such atrocious misery can not possibly be anything but a travesty of a ‘ religion ’ within the meaning of that word that all right-minded and honourable people intensely desire .
2 Divergent sexuality , it is clear even now , is only permissible as long as it allows itself to be stolen , as long as it conforms to existing industry patterns and dominant sexual stereotypes .
3 ICL now reckons itself to be the second largest supplier in the UK , John Bennett , ICL 's Director of Marketing Support and Communications told the audience at a recent briefing .
4 Likewise when serious troubles threaten and sorrow comes , a compelling need to believe that there is help or relief available from a source of much greater scope than that neighbourly help which meets the lesser needs of day to day discomforts , shows itself to be experienced by , in some measure , nearly all humanity .
5 It is a bold colonization by a group that knows it is — and shows itself to be — in the ascendant .
6 In fact , if inspected more closely , it shows itself to be a rickety structure of ad hoc contrivance and ill-founded reductivist moves .
7 In a striking phrase , Enzensberger suggests that ‘ artistic productivity reveals itself to be the extreme marginal case of a much more widespread productivity ’ ( ibid : 46 ) .
8 The Socialist Leaguer declared : A disciplined organisation founded on a common policy and working as part of the Labour movement is what the League conceives itself to be .
9 In it , the feral mink often finds itself to be a close neighbour to vulnerable domestic stock .
10 In other words , conscience begins to have marked effect , as the attitudes and strictures of which the child has bad experience during its upbringing are supported or modified by the beginnings of life within society , and is built into the sexual persona of the boy or girl ( increasingly meaningful terms at this stage ) which the child now finds itself to be .
11 The determination and effective preparedness of the nuclear powers to mount an instant all-out nuclear counter-strike the moment it perceives itself to be under nuclear attack must be condemned as an illegitimate threat of force , and is rightly so condemned by the world 's peace movement .
12 Thus culture at some level of awareness asserts itself to be not only distinct from but superior to nature , and that sense of distinctiveness and superiority rests precisely on the ability to transform — to ‘ socialize' ’ and ‘ ‘ culturalize' ’ — nature' , i.e. to be active and in control .
13 What irritates me about Vienna is a certain not-quite-definable smugness , a feeling that somehow this place feels itself to be the centre .
14 The point is that black people are not only at a disadvantage in the job market on account of their colour , they also perceive sharply that this is so and , despite Johnson 's tongue-in-cheek addendum , the consciousness of belonging to a group which feels itself to be at a disadvantage is clear enough .
15 The incorporation of a long passage from a Board of Education memo on evening schools indicates that the Committee feels itself to be in consonance with the Board " s thinking , not only on the inadequacies of vocational education , but also on the value of English as a force for cultural nationalization .
16 Limp and apparently lifeless , it permits itself to be mauled and prodded without twitching a muscle .
17 The regime declares itself to be the only true guardian of socialism , but can offer no answer to what is happening elsewhere except to denounce foreign interference and to assert that communism must inevitably triumph .
18 Israel 's uniqueness stems from the fact that it considers itself to be in a perpetual state of war with its Arab neighbours which , together with the Nazi barbarities of the last war , is somehow supposed to make the rest of the world feel permanently sorry for Israel and give it the right to carry out any intelligence operations it likes .
19 If it feels pain , it considers itself to be under attack .
20 this does no mean that Bristol considers itself to be outside the Continent .
21 I think it 's a great tragedy that Wales considers itself to be the poor relation within the United Reform Church and the answer can only lie within Wales !
22 It is that permanent element in human nature which causes the soul to be restless until it realizes itself to be at one with Truth or God .
23 Any company or firm that believes itself to be a victim of behaviour by its competitors which infringes EC competition rules can make a complaint to DG IV against the parties concerned .
24 Each village believes itself to be totally different from any other and often marks itself off in a variety of symbolic ways from those which surround it .
25 And yet she was aware of something lovely somewhere , something that was gone , or hidden , or yet to be attained : she supposed her therapist would say that this unrealistic shard of broken vision dated back to her infancy , when the human animal believes itself to be omnipotent , immortal and an integral part of all that is .
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