Example sentences of "[vb -s] himself to [be] " in BNC.

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1 A problem arises when a person makes a mistake about the circumstances by which he is confronted and supposes himself to be under attack when in truth he is not .
2 Strephon allows himself to be duped by the charms of this woman who , in Swift 's view , seems immortal because she appears clean .
3 The second half of section 12(1) deals with persons who knowing that a conveyance has been taken without authority , drives it or allows himself to be carried in or on it .
4 He discreetly allows himself to be steered .
5 Section 12(1) states : … a person shall be guilty of an offence if , without having the consent of the owner or other lawful authority , he takes any conveyance for his own or another 's use or knowing that any conveyance has been taken without such authority , drives it or allows himself to be carried in or on it .
6 ( c ) " Allows himself to be carried in or on it " .
7 This process is analogous to a buyer at an auction paying more than he can afford because he allows himself to be swept along by the bidding .
8 Left to his own reflections , he reveals himself to be a bright , keen opportunist .
9 In it , the Hucknall left-back reveals himself to be a chip off the Sid Kelly block : ‘ favourite food — 32oz steak-with-everything ’ .
10 In his introduction , he reveals himself to be only too aware of the ‘ complex transactions between past and present ’ in which he is involved .
11 He shows himself to be here , as he did in his earlier Deconstruction : Theory and Practice , an admirably lucid and urbane expositor of difficult ideas .
12 In respect of God 's being , the fundamental axiom with which Barth works is that God is ‘ eternally and antecedently in himself ’ what he shows himself to be in Jesus .
13 More specifically , Lukacs shows himself to be extremely hostile to a number of key concepts on the socialist realist agenda precisely because they are symptomatic of an excessively subjectivist and false , because partial , view of reality .
14 Frank shows himself to be the only ventriloquist to move his lips but not his teeth .
15 That section is in the following terms : ( 1 ) Every one who by words spoken or written or by conduct represents himself , or who knowingly suffers himself to be represented , as a partner in a particular firm , is liable as a partner to any one who has on the faith of any such representation given credit to the firm , whether the representation has or has not been made or communicated to the person so giving credit by or with the knowledge of the apparent partner making the representation or suffering it to be made .
16 For all the enigmas in his career , Wojciech Jaruzelski seems himself to be the prototype of what the USSR has come to trust most in the Polish military outlook .
17 ( 56 ) … the reactionary , for whatever motive , perceives himself to be a part or a partner of something that extended beyond himself …
18 On the one hand medicine is seen as a body of scientific knowledge and as a set of techniques , for which the GP feels himself to be relatively poorly equipped .
19 He feels himself to be privileged .
20 I think too , ’ said the Archdeacon with untoward frankness , ‘ Marr feels himself to be entitled to more success in the Church than he 's actually achieved .
21 On the basis of this identification he feels himself to be a defender of the ‘ national heritage ’ of the nation' .
22 But in September 1845 Gustave firmly announces himself to be ‘ a white bear ’ .
23 A contributor to the Funeral Service Journal who declares himself to be ‘ a devoted and qualified embalmer and tutor ’ is a funeral director who has recently been giving advice to readers .
24 Hi 's desperate overland journey is interrupted by weather , by bandits , by the hazards of terrain : finally captured by Lopez 's Reds , he learns that even while he was pressing forward with his message , Carlotta had been seized by Lopez and , after refusing to pray to him as the God he declares himself to be , had been brutally slaughtered by the public hangman .
25 This does not mean that that intelligibility can be wholly captured in the formulations or in the mind of the theologian ; it does , however , mean that the divine intelligibility comes across to us , that God gives himself to be known and understood , and that the understanding that is made possible in theology is and is intended to be a genuine understanding and an authentic contact with the intelligibility of God .
26 Louis proves himself to be saint as well as king .
27 When the story opens the Marquis , Darnay 's father , and his wife are both dead , and the twin brother , Darnay 's uncle , has succeeded to the title and estate ; he proves himself to be even more callous and brutal , beneath a polished surface of ‘ civilization ’ ( his face is ‘ like a fine mask ’ ) , than his brother , and hates his nephew for his liberal principles and determination not to accept the inheritance of the estate whilst the state of French society is still so cruelly inequitable .
28 But the real obstacle to any formal union of the centre and right opposition parties is that each of them is formed around the personality and ambitions of an individual politician who considers himself to be papabile or presidentiable .
29 It is clear from his critical writings that , to some extent , he considers himself to be the successor of Kafka and Camus : this influence emerges in his novels , Dans le labyrinthe ( 1959 ) — whose very title evokes Kafka and Borges — and his first work , Un Régicide ( 1949 ; published 1978 ) in which the atmosphere is very tangibly that of the absurd-cum-behaviourist novel ( see Smyth 1983 ) , even if in both cases the metaphysical is subjected to parody .
30 Archery these days is a sport like any other , and he considers himself to be an athlete .
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