Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] often been " in BNC.

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1 National income , or its rate of growth , has most often been used in the West to indicate success .
2 Van Gogh 's life has so often been made the subject of literary treatment that the art historian is strongly inclined to leave the biographical matter severely alone and concentrate exclusively on the artistic aspect .
3 In tackling the grave problem of dilapidated and overcrowded property by reconditioning old houses and building new ones at low rents , the way was led , as it has so often been , by private individuals and voluntary associations .
4 The flaunting of symbols has so often been the occasion for counter-demonstrations and rioting that the government has often banned parades or re-routed them away from particularly sensitive areas .
5 The only way this deterioration can be halted and reversed , is , as has so often been propounded in these pages , through childhood instruction .
6 But it was also a religious movement : the invasion by Christian knighthood of the infidel world ; it aroused the savagery for which war in the name of religion has so often been the excuse .
7 There are no instant fixes , either in terms of an absolutist retreat to the class-based socialism of the past , or in a headlong rush to the classless social democracy that has so often been portrayed as the only future .
8 For Godwin taught that one should ignore even the most obvious emotions , such as filial piety and gratitude : ‘ Gratitude — a principle which has so often been the theme of the moralist and the poet , is no part of either justice or virtue . ’
9 Money was allocated , but due to delays in passage of the Bill through Parliament , as has so often been the case before , no money has actually flowed from the coffers in Rome .
10 Instead , therefore , of excluding history as has so often been claimed , such thinkers begin , in a rather more conventional way , from the anti-historicist perspectives of Althusser , even , arguably , of Sartre .
11 They are often intertwined in Freud 's work , which explains why he has so often been wrongly accused of a simple type of ethnocentrism , and of sexism .
12 Instead , where disorder has occurred , it has more often been between the police and a faction or factions within the demonstration itself .
13 On the other hand , assessment of morphological changes has more often been used in the diagnosis and assessment of intestinal pathology or in studies on intestinal development during fetal life .
14 It has also often been argued that there is empirical evidence that rules the suggestion quite out of court by demonstrating that a pre-exposed stimulus quite lacks the properties that have been taken as defining for an inhibitory CS ( Rescorla 1969 ) .
15 This difficulty in distinguishing the cognitive style of the highly creative from that of the psychotic has also often been noted by others .
16 Where in the past unions used to pursue claims on behalf of employees , the decline in union membership has now often been replaced by an employee-based legal expenses insurance , offering a valuable source not only of work but also of funding .
17 One reason might be that androgyny typically envisages a unity ostensibly beyond sexual difference , but in fact inseparable from it ; androgyny especially has too often been a genderless transcendent which leaves sexual difference in place .
18 The attitude of outside well-wishers has too often been like that of a left-wing friend of mine who asked in the early days of the Grunwick strike ‘ Who is doing the organising there ? ’ — as though the workers were just so much raw material waiting to be organised .
19 Herstory is an excellent word , pointing out with wit and elegance that history has too often been the story of men 's lives ; wimmin might be applauded as a useful piece of spelling reform if someone other than feminists had invented it .
20 The revisionists have also encouraged historians to focus more attention on the conservatives and the committed Catholics , whose opposition to the policies of Henry VIII and his Protestant successors has too often been overlooked or underestimated .
21 Not the least of our criticisms of the Government 's approach relates to the Cardiff Bay development corporation , which is unelected and unaccountable and has too often been insensitive to the concerns of local communities .
22 For one , the hypothetico-deductive method has too often been accorded paragon status as the form which all social research should seek to adopt .
23 Walsh has been known as the demon bowler , but to the Gloucestershire team , who kknow hin as Shortie , he 's more often been their saviour .
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