Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] around [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Today unemployment on those lands stands at around 90% .
2 Since no money has been drawn for a considerable number of years and interest has accrued at 7.5% per annum the fund now stands at around £1000 .
3 Since no money has been drawn for a considerable number of years and interest has accrued at 7.5% per annum the fund now stands at around £1000 .
4 Now it stands at around 40% .
5 AIX DCE Cell Directory Server/6000 is from $2,750 , AIX DCE Security Server/6000 goes from $2,800 and AIX/DCE Base Services/6000 combined with Encina Base Feature starts at around $650 .
6 A menu can be arranged specially to cater for various tastes and requirements , champagne starts at around £35 per bottle and there is a charge of £150 for the room hire .
7 With up to 256Mb RAM and 60Gb disk , it starts at around £65,000 .
8 Peace of mind starts at around £72 , or for your custom requirements call .
9 With end users now being in a position to fund the hardware , software and production costs for around £10,000 a whole new range of self-published magazines , books and newsletters is bound to emerge .
10 Inclusive holiday costs from around £300 .
11 After the separate nuclear liabilities incurred by Scottish nuclear power stations are taken into account the overall sum for nuclear waste disposal amounts to around £13.3 billion , the CEGB said yesterday .
12 C. schwartzi comes from the Rio Purus and grows to around 2″ long
13 Between December and April , the temperature averages between 15°C and 21°C ( 59°F to 70°F ) ; it then gradually increases to around 21°C to 24°C ( 70°F to 75°F ) between July and September , and drops again to an average between October and December of 18°C to 21°C ( 64°F to 70°F ) .
14 The sum , substantially in excess of estimates by the country 's central bank which had recently estimated borrowing to pay for war costs at around $10,000 million [ see also pp. 37987 ; 38166 ; 38212 ] , was expected to cover current expenditure reported to be running at some $20,000 million .
15 Minimum Windows system requirements are an 80486 personal computer with 8Mb of RAM — Updata grows at around 1Mb a year .
16 Wallace Arnold ( 0532–311055 ) is the accredited coach-tour operator from the UK — a three-day stay at the Hotel Cheyenne for two adults sharing a room ranges from around £130–£150 per person ( additional child £65–£81 ) .
17 Teachers ' salaries account for the largest proportion of education spending in all types of school , though this varies from around 70% in primary and secondary schools to 59% in special schools .
18 Both Nevada and Arizona produce more gold than California does ; but California , with 48 producers using new extracting techniques , now accounts for around 1m ounces a year .
19 Both are available from Homebase , Do It All , and local electrical and hardware stores ; the ETU07 retails for around £25.50 and the ETU02 for around £23.50 . , .
20 The FZ–3000 , together with a hand strap , carrying case , lithium battery and flash unit , is available now and retails for around £220 .
21 Smithers and Robinson ( 1989 ) have also produced evidence that while only one or two per cent of students with high A-level scores ( 12 or above ) fail to complete , this rises to around 15% for those with low scores ( 6 or below ) .
22 The Acorn multihead Starter Pack features one handle and 1 , 1½ , and 2″ adaptors and heads , and retails at around £4.49 .
23 The Courier chime retails at around £38 and is available from leading department stores , d-i-y stores and most good electrical stockists .
24 Notes retails at around £400 a user ( with discounts on multiple purchases ) , and is getting so popular that it may well emerge as the de facto standard for disseminating information .
25 However , their low cost ( Notes retails at around £400 , WFWG at £149 ) and ease of implementation make them a viable proposition for the small company , and will probably result in their becoming much more influential in the long term .
26 Our invaluable handbook , which otherwise retails at around £100 is included in membership — and members invariably find that knowledge gained via membership , be it from the Handbook , a seminar or fellow members , allows them annually to recover their membership subscription .
27 The Toshiba KT3301S retails at around £500.00
28 A lovely rich rust red colour , it retails at around £4.75 a kilo .
29 Available at most good sports shops , the Challenge 26 retails at around £45.00 .
30 The Student System II Developing Tank is available now and retails at around £7.00 .
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