Example sentences of "[adv prt] and sort of " in BNC.

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1 Th that 's where I , I really started in and sort of showed what I was made of .
2 He said it was to prevent the priest being mixed up , it was an opportunity to a new priest to come in and sort of if it had become he could establish groups .
3 just going in and sort of lying by the seat of your pants .
4 And I waited till I 'd got a few bit more money to put in and sort of hid it amongst all these others , mm .
5 She 'd go in and sort of erm help her mum have a bath .
6 He comes over and sort of squeezes my shoulder .
7 I 'd like to stay here on the floor but there 's cars beeping at me and I think I 'm lying in the road , so I push myself up and sort of crawl to the pavement .
8 Then I tried swimming , but what with the current and the fucking cassock — and then bang I got hit in the ribs like someone had kicked me and I thought I was a goner , it must be a rock I thought and I gave up and sort of passed out .
9 Have you noticed how both these farts have their collars turned up and sort of ‘ pressed ’ at the front .
10 So it , then I had erm , I brought up my husband 's sister 's daughter from when she was fourteen , I brought her oh , yes fourteen , I brought her up for nine years and br brought her up as my own daughter like because she got , got to be put away in a home and I did n't want her to have to go into a home so I , I brought her up you know we brought her up and sort of as , I lost my little girl she was with me like , see and she still comes to me like , she still calls but she calls me mum , mother like now , ha , you know all those years I had her , she 's married and her family 's grown up now and er she 's got one daughter left , left at home who 's just got engaged that 's Mrs from er she lives , yes so , so that was my hubby 's er sister 's daughter she only had the one daughter and two brothers , but she , the brothers she do n't hear nothing of them they just , you know they were gon na put her in a home , but we took her so she did n't have to go in a home , I did n't want her to have to go in a home
11 just added it up and sort of like if you take twenty , if you take an hour as being seven days , erm , twe , twe , twenty one hours , and what have you got the total there , three , eight , eleven , eleven and a half hours selling out of the whole of that , actual selling on your B M S , well they 'll give the things that we both disagree are important , and then you do get chance to do the selling what we 're predominately ;
12 erm and phoned up and sort of semi made an appointment , not exactly
13 and about eight o'clock I said to Robert , shall I phone Georgie up and sort of see if he wants to come home .
14 Your , your best bet would be to go up and sort of you know look at the tents that are up there so that you would know whether they went about
15 House swimming when they 're all standing up and sort of going oh no no , God cover up , you know
16 Are they going out wanting to go out and sort of terrorize the neighbours or not ?
17 They took it out and sort of temporarily fixed it in so that they could get this out at the funeral and then he had to go back later and fix the window in .
18 You can , you can write it out again afterwards to make sense of it and you can both get together and write it out and sort of do pretty tables .
19 Marie steps back and sort of squints at me .
20 So I had to come back and sort of say to Ray , you know , if we go for that bid it 's not likely to be supported , erm so we , what we 'd done is a different bid which still includes investors but it 's , it 's a bit broader than that .
21 And he 's come back and sort of go round the back cos that other fellow sort of he came down
22 Perhaps this is , this is something we could we could , we could use to talk about in some revision seminar at the beginning of next term cos we , we , we 've sort of got up to nineteen fifty two erm maybe it would be helpful if , if sort of you know we just sat there over the vacation and then come back and sort of have look
23 ‘ Oh , ’ said Maisie , her eyes wide and shining with newly acquired faith , ‘ apparently he hurls thunderbolts around and sort of dries up wells and does tremendous damage to buildings . ’
24 well funny , that must of taken quite a lot for that actor to play cos he gets chucked around and sort of things do n't he ?
25 yeah , that 's good , he gets people out the audience and he goes out and about and sort of meets people with talent and gets them to do singing and that
26 And she 'd go round and sort of s say , good morning , good morning .
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