Example sentences of "[adv prt] all over the " in BNC.

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1 There was so much going on all over the mission , more often than not organized by the people themselves .
2 Research on methods for controlling pests without chemicals is going on all over the world and the latest greenfly predator to come under scientific scrutiny is the lacewing .
3 Another hotly contested tournament was the Copa de Republic , a vast knock-out competition which went on all over the country from November to April .
4 Lights came on all over the Ship .
5 ‘ And I presume this sort of thing goes on all over the country ? ’
6 Then she noticed the lights going on all over the school but thought no more about it .
7 Commandos were digging in all over the place .
8 People will be tuning in all over the world for these live performances and it 's the organisers ’ hope that they will also take note of the educational messages conveyed .
9 A couple of hundred people tucked in all over the place like that radio room . ’
10 There 's loads of new garages going in all over the place .
11 For the nation as a whole , the visible effect was a huge rise in unemployment and a vast drop in the gross domestic product , with factories , mills , and pits closing down all over the country .
12 The statues came tumbling down all over the Soviet Union .
13 These people must be losing them sales hands down all over the country !
14 Apply plenty of rubber solution adhesive to the back of the frame and hardboard , then carefully place the backing fabric in position , gently but firmly pressing it down all over the back and frame until it is evenly fixed .
15 You see it written down all over the place incorrectly .
16 ‘ Something like 90,000 acres of trees per minute are being chopped down all over the world , ’ contributed Lydia off the top of her head .
17 Some of them have got arms going off all over the place .
18 No we 're not all rushing off all over the place although the men and s some of the women you know we have gone off and they still I mean the men were in South Wales last week .
19 Whe whether it was involved in , whether there was any travel involved or whether it was all desk bound or anything else you know whether he goes zooming off all over the country or whether , whether there 's a possibility of travel involved or any danger in it , in the job , unlikely but
20 More and more self-build projects are taking off all over the NorthEast and Mr Edwards said clear guidelines had to be laid down .
21 Reform circles were springing up all over the country , calling for Mr Grosz 's dismissal .
22 Of course , the well-groomed head of modern Bruges pops up all over the place to remind you that this is not really a medieval theme park at all .
23 Huge puffy ones started springing up all over the hands at the friction points in Vincente 's system of finger knots .
24 ‘ If I have to watch you any longer I 'll throw up all over the table . ’
25 They 're pastin' them up all over the Cross .
26 It started to rain again , a light drizzle that caused umbrellas to pop up all over the place .
27 But you think it 's perfectly all right to talk about women 's tits and bums and stick pictures of them up all over the place .
28 The Interflora boom and Smiths devotees were sprouting up all over the place with their obnoxious shirts and silly haircuts .
29 following the Robbins Committee Report in 1963 new universities sprang up all over the country and tertiary education in general was in a state of unexampled euphoria .
30 After what seemed like several hours but was probably only a few minutes , we heard an aircraft approaching , and heads popped up all over the hut .
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