Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] near the " in BNC.

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1 We know that they could live in extremely shallow to very deep-water environments , that most lived on or near the sea bottom , but a few were adapted to open-ocean swimming .
2 The Latinos were used to flying their drug cargoes and knew that there was always the risk of someone , if only by accident , being on or near the airstrip .
3 If the amount outstanding on your credit or store cards seem always to creep up rather than down ; if you put off paying the electricity bills because you have other commitments to meet ; if you are seriously thinking of accepting the offer of a ‘ consolidation ’ loan which is secured on your house to mop up all your existing credit agreements and transform them into a once a month payment , then you could be on or near the danger line .
4 The pass is not a permit to park on or near the esplanade and is valid ONLY ON THE DATE SHOWN .
5 AN ASSOCIATION for all former pupils and staff of St Hugh 's School , Birkenhead , has been established for about four years and its main function is an annual reunion mass held on or near the Feast of St Hugh of Lincoln .
6 The person called responds by giving one sharp tap on or near the receiver 's telephone mouthpiece for ‘ Yes ’ , two taps for ‘ No ’ .
7 They are often oval , especially when they are floating on or near the water-surface , especially in shallow tanks .
8 Between the 4th and 15th and on or near the 27th you may face some extraordinary turns of events .
9 Most of the towns were on or near the coast and they exploited their site advantages , capitalizing on their access to sea routes and on the fertile soils of their hinterlands .
10 If the amount outstanding on your credit or store cards seem always to creep up rather than down ; if you put off paying the electricity bills because you have other commitments to meet ; if you are seriously thinking of accepting the offer of a ‘ consolidation ’ loan which is secured on your house to mop up all your existing credit agreements and transform them into a once a month payment , then you could be on or near the danger line .
11 Moreover , while the engineers tended to work on or near the shop-floor , today 's scientific and technical professionals are just as likely to be located far from actual production .
12 Darkfalls occur regularly on or near the same locality .
13 It is good to have a focal point such as an icon , or cross on or near the altar ; a lighted candle may be put by it during each pause .
14 Do Not Go On Or Near The Track ’ .
15 All the offences happened on or near the same two footbridges on the Fishermead estate .
16 The entry form is usually located on or near the product and it is usually required that each entry is accompanied by proofs of purchase .
17 When they retire from work , many people can make this choice freely , and a popular choice is along or near the south coast of England .
18 In a subdued announcement on state television and radio , Mr Alia , who has been in or near the centre of power in Albania for almost 50 years , declared he would officially step down at today 's opening of parliament .
19 Often wall mounted in or near the working area they can be a useful provision provided they are kept clean , emptied after use and operating temperatures are maintained .
20 ‘ Reserve stock , describes a closed access part of a library located in or near the same building as the open access collections .
21 Thus factories were placed in or near the port of Belfast .
22 Tell him that you have decided to wage unrestricted war ; that , from this moment on , he is fair game ; that you may attack him without warning at any time ; that he will be at risk whenever he is in or near the school or club where the bullying takes place .
23 There is also the option of using wild flowers , although that is only feasible if you live in or near the country , and you must be very careful about which flowers you pick — some of them are protected species .
24 ‘ … there is not as yet any public hospital or infirmary … in or near the Town of Bedford or in the County of Bedford for the reception and relief of sick and lame Objects within the same Town and County such as those in Northampton and Leicester Counties and which appear to me to be very much wanted … and are usually created by public subscriptions … . ’
25 In the hypognathous head the long axis is vertical and the mouthparts ventral ; the occipital foramen lies in or near the transverse plane .
26 As most of the molecules will be in or near the ground state before ionization , is rarely negative , but may be positive or zero , depending on whether the ion is vibrationally excited or not .
27 5.7.2 Not to do in or near the Premises any act or thing by reason of which the Landlord may under any statute incur have imposed upon [ it ] or become liable to pay any penalty damages compensation costs charges or expenses
28 Such practices were operating in or near the communities affected by the closures , which must be approved by the Scottish Office .
29 ‘ It 's possible , Brother , ’ he boomed for the umpteenth time , his bewhiskered lips red from the juice of the grape , ‘ quite possible that Sir Bartholomew is still alive and hiding in or near the Tower to carry out his silent war of revenge . ’
30 Course I sha n't tell her tha , I , course I shall tell her if I find her smoking in or near the wood
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