Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] each other " in BNC.

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1 There are then three possibilities : first , their edges may slide along against each other ; second , they may move away from each other — then fresh lava emerges from the crack which is formed between them ; third , they may move towards each other , one plate sliding under the other .
2 In fact , it is desirable that they should meet and get to know each other for a day or two over a safe fence ( possibly a mesh that a horse ca n't kick a leg through ) before they are put in with each other .
3 He concludes that the effectiveness of a given system should be based on its ability to fit in with the external systems making up its environment on the one hand , and , on the other hand , on its competence in allowing its own sub-systems to fit in with each other .
4 And me mother , she lived at , that 's not far from Peterborough , and she er Me father used to go to this here farm , me mother lived , and of course they got in with each other , then they got married and then they wanted to buy a caravan .
5 So I think the scenario within , within the Health Service is basically that units , rather than working together , working in with each other , are actually competing to achieve contracts to , to , to secure work .
6 Sadly , church people have often so dismally failed to get along with each other that they are powerless to get along with the needy in the world .
7 The dark and the light have lain down in each other 's arms to sleep in a bed of silver moonlight and a little shifting wind brings the scents from the nearby woodland on the other hill . ’
8 This system contains two neutron stars orbiting each other , and the energy they are losing by the emission of gravitational waves is causing them to spiral in toward each other .
9 As plants move in to colonise newly available ground different species take over from each other in a series of stages known as ‘ succession ’ .
10 Under these circumstances the parents need to be able to take over from each other so that it is the child who tires and not the parents .
11 ‘ Then why ca n't we keep on talking until we finally get through to each other ? ’
12 The girlfriends and wives of the young officers were pretty , well-bred girls who leant over to each other and laughed a lot as they waited for the ceremony to start .
13 Children these days stay over at each other 's houses far more often than they did 20 years ago .
14 There 's this guy I 'm hoping to see in Paris this week is Vincent Winter who is the designer of Rolling Stone and we worked the best of everybody here off of each other .
15 Woody Harrelson and Wesley Snipes play off against each other in a comedic buddy movie about two hustlers who team up to cream money off LA 's kerb-side courts , only to run up against problems with girls ( Rosie Perez , Tyra Ferrell ) and gangsters .
16 Many have thought it an objectionable feature of utilitarianism , in its classic formulations , that pleasure and pain are supposedly set off against each other in this simple way .
17 He demanded , and got , only the best , invariably at a knockdown price after cleverly playing the manufacturers off against each other .
18 Bakufu control over the country was never absolute , but rested on the administration 's ability to hold in check the ambitions of various provincial lords and play them off against each other .
19 charged off against each other 's .
20 Between demonstrates how a multiplicity of different discursive systems intertwine to form the substrata of an individual mind which plays them off against each other , combines them and uses them to generate the repertory of stories that determine how she ‘ reads ’ the world in which she lives .
21 Indeed , he frequently managed both to play the French and the Americans off against each other and then to blame them when anything went wrong .
22 Try to retain an auction style process , playing the potential purchasers ( real or imaginary ( very high risk ) ) off against each other .
23 Cos one office was playing the other office off against each other .
24 That war is still going on , Jamie is still wasting his life on a childhood hatred and Edward Swift is still playing them off against each other from beyond the grave . ’
25 I suppose one or two people have got off with each other on tour but that 's about it , ’ he said .
26 A whole load of boring industry heads droning on about how important they are and trying to cop off with each other ?
27 I mean , we 're all pissed off with each other . ’
28 no , no badly but like I just used to think he was so much more chatty than , we just used to sit there and go alright we 'd get off with each other then we 'd break like , you know like try , you 'd , like the conversation
29 but it was n't like a long thing but like I , the time that I spent with him was like quite a long time , like the evening , whatever , so he 'd get , and like it just used to be constant pauses , it used to be terrible and so we used to get off with each other like you pause for , for what
30 Yeah I was really attracted to him but I just could not speak to him , it was awful , and like there used to be awful pauses and you 'd just go er right we 'd better get off with each other again because you ca n't bear the silence , it 's too uncomfortable so you used to , and then you go oh shit better get off with him again , it 's awful , he 's and he used to have such a , no personality at all .
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