Example sentences of "[was/were] preparing for the " in BNC.

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1 AS DELEGATES were preparing for the congress of the ruling Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party which begins today , two of the most conservative factions yesterday issued an open challenge to the party 's reformist leadership .
2 It was 1973 and already we were preparing for the move to the States .
3 Down in Frome they were preparing for the worst ; on 23 February 1798 a meeting of the ‘ inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood of Frome ’ took place at the George Inn .
4 It was as if he were preparing for the day he would be a big man himself in this town and wanted everyone on his side , wanted them all to think of him as a customer .
5 This went on for three hours while the rest of us were preparing for the move to Canjuers .
6 If you were preparing for the paper to which the above chart refers , it would obviously be very foolish to enter the examination without a very full understanding of topics 1a , 4 and 5 ( six years out of seven ) , but it would be equally foolish to assume that you need pay no attention to 11 ( two years out of seven ) .
7 And then it was erm erm which was er battered about a bit but we were preparing for the , the next move you see .
8 Owners ' shares slumped 9p to 138p , some 11p short of the 15-for-34 bid terms with Airtours , down just 1p to 338p , suggesting dealers were preparing for the failure of the offer .
9 Six years later , in 1868 , he needed the poems to complete a volume he was preparing for the printer .
10 Paul Stern , the vice-president of the Vienna Bridge Club , soon invited her to join the Austrian Ladies ' Team , which was preparing for the first European Women 's Teams Championship to be held in Brussels in 1935 .
11 We had adopted them while I was preparing for the desert .
12 And so , unable either to believe in the significance of what he was doing or to regard it with indifference as an empty formality , all the time he was preparing for the sacrament he was conscious of a feeling of discomfort and shame in taking part in something he did not understand , which was therefore , an inner voice told him , deceitful and wrong of him .
13 And by early autumn , Mr Major was preparing for the worst — and yesterday he delivered it in a statement to the Commons .
14 One of the soldiers wanted to know if it was true that Medoc was preparing for the birth into the world of the monster god-idol , Crom Croich , and an argument sprang up as to whether Medoc and Crom Croich were the most evil and most powerful forces ever to come out of the Dark Ireland , or whether the Erl-King had been worse .
15 The trip had also offered temporary escape from her mother 's pointed reminiscences that when she was Polly 's age she had already been married two years and was preparing for the birth of her first child .
16 ‘ Orders were orders ! ’ he roared , looking darkly at the friar , before going on to regale both him and the horses with an account of the meal his poor wife was preparing for the coming Sunday .
17 By 1934 the Labour Party was Preparing for the next election and the delegates at Southport resisted the attempts of the Socialist League to change the programme For Socialism and Peace into a radical appeal for a rapid transformation to socialism .
18 Today the Gloucestershire Echo was preparing for the worst .
19 The allegations broke on Tuesday as Jackson was preparing for the first of two concerts in Bangkok , the first stop in the Asian swing of his Dangerous world tour .
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