Example sentences of "[was/were] built in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since all of them were built in traditional style , it was difficult to tell which were old and which new .
2 These traditional carriers were built in great numbers throughout the 18th and 19th centuries .
3 Churches and cathedrals , in stone , brick and timber were built in increasing numbers all over Europe from Scandinavia to Sicily and Portugal to Russia .
4 In 1878 he pioneered the introduction of 2–6–0 type freight locomotives in Britain and , as consultant to the London , Tilbury and Southend Railway , 4–4–2 passenger tank locomotives , which were highly successful and were built in enlarged form over the next fifty years .
5 In Bombay the new stations were built in international concrete style .
6 Tide mills were built in coastal districts to take advantage of high tides , when water was impounded in a mill pond , to be used to power the waterwheels at low water .
7 Some five village pubs were built in vernacular style , such as the Red Lion at Grantchester by Basil Oliver ; while the rather artificial Drum Inn at Cockington in Devon by Sir Edwin Lutyens is a continuation of the Edwardian tradition of grand ‘ Estate ’ pubs .
8 Other special Air Force camps were built in different parts of Germany and it was in these that I eventually spent my rime as a prisoner .
9 A fine Italianate palazzo was built in Edwardian times , and by then , as in so many other places , it was in fact two stations that were required , one suburban and one for the main line .
10 Wander around the centre , and you could be forgiven for thinking that the whole of Leeds was built in Victorian days .
11 It was built in Arabian style , with multi-coloured bricks and inlaid tiles , Arabian arches and a staircase tower like a Moslem minaret .
12 There are several fascinating castles and abbeys in the vicinity including : Richmond Castle , 6 miles away , which was built in 107– as protection against the Saxons , and Bolton Castle , 12 miles away , where Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned , and the ruins of the once magnificent Abbeys of Easby , Jervaulx and Coverham .
13 Stavanger Cathedral ( p. 70 ) was built in Romanesque design , but its fine choir is late Gothic .
14 The Grand Trunk 's Bonaventure Station in Montreal was built in French Second Empire style with a palatial waiting-room to match .
15 Air bricks , extractor fans , open fires and dehumidifiers all help , but often you have to learn to live with it — and there is nothing worse than a new house which was built in wet conditions .
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