Example sentences of "[was/were] to come [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the worst , if hard-liners were to come to power in Moscow , Ukraine could be a buffer for the young democracies of Eastern Europe .
2 He later took the floor again to explain his remarks as " shock diplomacy " , intended to illustrate the tone which Russian policy could adopt if the political opponents of President Boris Yeltsin were to come to power .
3 The inflationary stimulus of the war saw the promotion of fifteen offices between 1793 and 1815 , but twenty-nine were to come into existence between 1815 and 1830 and fifty-six between 1830 and 1844 .
4 One of the reasons why my partner and I disposed of our practice some years ago was the fact that the new legislation , particularly relating to investment business and the proposed audit regulations which were to come into force , was making practices less profitable , as it was impossible to pass all these extra costs on to the client .
5 They had been arrested in December 1972 and , as a result , did not come under the ‘ Diplock ’ innovations and the more stringent Northern Ireland ( Emergency Provisions ) Act , both of which were to come into force in the following year .
6 I have discussed the impact that moves towards a Single Currency may have , especially if the Maastricht Treaty were to come into force .
7 In 1372 stipendiaries , and rectors and vicars with benefices worth 10 marks ( or £3 13/ 4d ) , were to come as archers with bows and arrows ; those with livings worth more than £10 had to attend ‘ well armed ’ ; if their living was valued at £20 they had to be accompanied by two archers , if £40 by two armed men and two archers , if £100 by five armed men and six archers .
8 ‘ And if those four days he will need to collect Oreste were to come off Ferdinando 's own holiday which he would not take again then you would lose nothing , ma'am , if you please . ’
9 I mean we were to come over Bridge here and there was a police station on Bridge at the time , police , you know opposite the T B I , and the sergeant used to stand there and he used to wait for us coming home .
10 Yet it was to be under the new regime , for all the difficulties of the power-struggle at home , rather than under the strong rule of Henri II , that the French were to come in force to the aid of Mary of Guise against the Scottish heretics ; for the effective rulers of the two countries were now , after all , the two Guise brothers in France and their sister the regent in Scotland .
11 The four hundred and ninety-five thousand lorry loads of stone needed to build the pyramid which the students planned as their mausoleum , were to come from Headington quarry .
12 While it did not mark the end of the conflict — though the early decrees of the Biblical Commission were quietly withdrawn in 1955 , the Biblicum was to come under attack on the eve of the Council — it was the most important milestone in the history of Catholic scriptural scholarship .
13 This quirk was to come under scrutiny in the Liverpool post-mortems a few months later .
14 Don Juan refused , but later acquiesced when , in October , Franco presented him with a fait accompli by leaking news that Juan Carlos was to come to Spain to continue his schooling .
15 By now certain that Meehan and Griffiths were the murderers of Mrs Ross , the Crown Office in Edinburgh issued a statement that with Griffiths 's death and Meehan 's arrest , they were not looking for any other suspects in connection with the Ayr murder — thus , said Nicky , prejudging the very issue that was to come to trial .
16 A women sat outside her hut cooking some grass seeds for her two teenage children , both of whom were painfully thin and too weak to stand , and told me her story : Her husband had been shot months ago , and when the food ran out in her village her only choice was to come to Kismayo where aid agency food was arriving .
17 The bus was to come to Burleigh for the swimmers at five-thirty , and then drive to Sturford , the county town , where the championships were to take place .
18 If Lindberg was to come to Tromsø he would be hung from a lamp-post , probably by his balls .
19 ( The British land policy in India was to come to grief over this dilemma . )
20 This was to come to light two years later when the Football Association appointed a commission to inquire into allegations that Sir Henry had offered financial inducements above the legal fees to attract players to Highbury and that he had diverted club funds to his private account .
21 If Nietzsche was to come to terms with a specialized academic career , his need of a compensatory allegiance was extreme .
22 It was to come into contact with a man who could write and see and feel .
23 Lome IV was signed in December 1989 ( see p. 37133 ) and was to come into effect in March 1990 for a 10-year period ( unlike the previous conventions , whose duration had been five years ) .
24 The law , which was to come into effect on July 1 , was adopted with 350 votes in favour , three against and 11 abstentions .
25 A decree signed by Bashir on Feb. 1 introduced a new penal code based , as was the previous one , on sharia law , which was to come into effect on March 22 , but which did not apply to the three southern regions ( now states ) " for the time being , pending the establishment of elected assemblies there to deal with the issue " ( an official information document as quoted in the Middle East Economic Digest of Feb. 15 ) .
26 On March 20 Czechoslovakia signed in Prague a free trade agreement with the European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) , which was to come into effect on July 1 , 1992 , after completion of the ratification process .
27 The law , which increased the powers of the federation at the expense of the states , was to come into effect on July 1 .
28 The Convention was to come into force upon ratification by 30 states .
29 Taylor was reported to have ordered his forces to begin a ceasefire unilaterally from noon on Nov. 10 , 12 hours before the ECOWAS ceasefire was to come into force .
30 The Convention was to come into force upon ratification by 30 states .
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