Example sentences of "[was/were] likely [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The views of the Foreign , Commonwealth Relations , and Colonial Offices were sought on the security of tenure that British forces were likely to enjoy in territories East of Suez ; but in the late 1950s there was no consensus on the probable speed with which Britain 's dependent territories would advance to independence .
2 Second , the contradictions inherent in the demands made on the state were likely to intensify as capitalist development proceeded .
3 Even so , the decision of the 19th Palestine National Council in November 1988 to take this highly accommodationist road was not an easy one , and was only possible because it had become apparent that the world now recognized that no substantive peace negotiations were likely to materialize without formal PLO participation .
4 He must have suspected that his all British commission was hardly the kind of body that Kenyans either needed or were likely to listen to in 1972 .
5 He was reported to be paid £2,000 per day for his efforts — as much as some objecting organizations were likely to spend in total .
6 Lloyd 's stood by as underwriters took on risks that were likely to lead to losses , largely because of its habit of management-by-agreement .
7 A study by Wing and Brown ( 1970 ) suggested that people with schizophrenia were likely to respond to understimulation by withdrawal and regression .
8 To these can be added management lists , or forecasts of how people were likely to vote on a particular measure , and marked election return lists , which record gains and losses for a party .
9 They were less well-informed when it came to knowing the sort of people who were likely to volunteer as foster parents .
10 predicted that price increases for non-fuel commodities , which rose by 17 per cent in real terms in 1988 , were likely to weaken in mid-1989 , with prices of beverages and agricultural raw materials more or less stagnant .
11 Promotions in government service were likely to go to those officers who were able to make themselves useful politically , and if the connection between advancement and political activity was blatant in the case of Drummond , it was a link which long persisted , for even when revenue officers were deprived of the franchise , this did not materially alter the connection between holders of a revenue office and the politicians whose solicitations remained the usual route to advancement .
12 One faintly ludicrous example is a 1993 case where the Court of Appeal said that a sentence passed on a Mr Fairman would ‘ indicate to other people who might be minded to set fire to armchairs in the middle of a domestic row that if they do , they were likely to go to prison for as long as two years ’ .
13 Consumers were likely to turn to their conventional sources of software for multimedia titles .
14 Not that they were likely to walk into his bedroom , but still …
15 Despite her normal command over words , June Braithwaite found it difficult to ask in ways that were likely to obtain for her what she wanted .
16 Apart from the 270 000 people of Hull there were only another 300 000 in the whole area who were likely to travel to the city for its shops and services .
17 He continued : [ T ] he ultimate question for the court was this : if the section 146 notice had required the lessee to remedy the breach and the lessors had then allowed a reasonable time to elapse to enable the lessee fully to comply with the relevant covenant , would such compliance , coupled with the payment of any appropriate monetary compensation , have effectively remedied the harm which the lessors had suffered or were likely to suffer from the breach ?
18 To compensate for their losses , children were likely to retreat into a private world and to form attachments to inanimate objects which were more securely under their control .
19 No traders were likely to come to the Hall that day or any other , and she could hardly risk being seen speaking to them even if they did .
20 Since there was no requirement to attend in person , there was no way of knowing how many men were likely to appear in arms .
21 For obvious reasons , few people were likely to admit to being Jacobites .
22 It is the meaning they were likely to convey to the person to whom they were addressed that matters and not the meaning they might , on analysis , bear to a trained legal mind .
23 First of all , children were likely to protest about their parents ' departure .
24 I heard him talking on the radio , in which he said he 'd tried several methods of winning on the football pools and in the end decided that the easiest thing to do was to put in the same numbers each week and so he was not exercising any skill in deciding whether one pair of teams were likely to enter into a score draw than another pair , but he just trusted that , say , number thirty seven would turn up as a score draw this week .
25 Staughton LJ said that in this case plans for development of new products and for the discontinuance of existing products were likely to qualify as trade secrets or as confidential information which could be protected .
26 But when couples were asked how many children they were likely to have in reality , bigger social class differences became apparent .
27 I used to , I think , but since I met you and saw what she was likely to turn into , I seem to have gone off her .
28 Another serious defect in the previous law , pinpointed by the Law Commission , was that when the section was read literally , liability was seen to turn on the question whether the victim was likely to respond in a way that constituted a breach of the peace in the face of threats , abuses and insults .
29 I knew him because he had been in Fontanellato for some months , and after wishing him buon giorno and so forth I tried to find out what his duties were and what was likely to happen to the prisoner .
30 But if it had better-information about what was likely to happen in the economy than the private sector , the government could take such measures .
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