Example sentences of "[was/were] able [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Details of some of the disturbances were reported by foreign journalists , who were able to see for themselves what was happening .
2 ‘ I do n't suppose you were able to go for a run this morning in this weather ? ’
3 Duchamp-Villon and La Fresnaye were also members of the hanging committee , so that the Cubist painters were able to exhibit for the second time that year as a group .
4 The report also revealed that neither Casey 's personal secretary nor any other members of the campaign staff were able to account for his whereabouts on July 27-29 , 1980 .
5 In fact , some of the players got as little as £10,000 , others £15,000 , others £25,000 — it depended on how much they were able to negotiate for themselves .
6 I would say the thing that kept me sane during that period was the fact that I had a part time job , and erm we were able to pay for some home help .
7 And because er we do have a quality assurance system in place although not certificated , er we were able to tender for that work .
8 If the new sector colleges were able to apply for the use of those premises it could jeopardise the adult ethos and character of the provision and would subsequently deny many adults their first step back into education .
9 As soon as more advanced types evolved in response to a stimulating environment , they spread out around the world , driving earlier , more primitive forms into marginal locations where they were able to survive for some time before extinction .
10 Hunt was able to continue for a while but his car was severely damaged and the race was stopped .
11 It became a part of the official women 's movement and was able to push for the rights of the professional woman artist .
12 Its public sector funding depends on money from Northern Arts , and I am delighted to confirm that , as a result of the record settlement that I was able to negotiate for overheads , Northern Arts will receive a 13.9 per cent increase for 1992-93 amounting to more than £5 million .
13 He somehow managed to pound down to Kouklia on Chennaa , half by night and half by blazing day , and crossing the island was able to see for himself that it had been a more settled and prosperous year .
14 He was able to see for himself how problems of electrical interference from laptop computers are being tackled by our Electromagnetic Compatibility Unit .
15 However , he was mindful of his limitations and , after some time , he was able to arrange for a ‘ godly , diligent physician ’ to come and set up a practice in the town to relieve him of this burden .
16 Finally , one of the students whom I had worked with a couple of summers previously came back to me just before I left post to discuss his third year project at Shrivenham and I was able to arrange for him to do a project involving the linking of a commercial graphical package to the expert system developed as part of the war time operation aid mentioned previously .
17 In February , 1986 he described it as Russia 's " bleeding wound " and as he consolidated his position in the Politburo was able to press for an end to the conflict .
18 In his maiden Test in 1972 , he top-scored in both innings and took five wickets , an all-round performance he was able to sustain for the whole of his Test career of 58 consecutive matches , scoring almost 3,600 runs with eight centuries and taking 141 wickets at 32 with fast-medium ( or , as in 1973–4 when he had an outstanding series , off-spin ) bowling .
19 His relativity theory was able to account for the phenomena that falsified Newton 's theory , while at the same time being able to match Newton 's theory in those areas where the latter had proved successful .
20 By proposing this ingenious but patently artificial contrivance , Friedman was able to account for the non-neutrality of money in the short run .
21 With his experience of an old university and a less old university , with two different systems , he was able to frame for himself what he valued in the English university .
22 Michael Redgrave was fortunate in having an excellent stepfather , and was able to study for four years at Cambridge University where he obtained an honourable B.A. ( Cantab . ) .
23 Owing to his illness he was able to study for only one term in the next three years , although he did put his convalescence to good use , adding fluency in French , German and Italian to his other accomplishments , and attending lectures of the French physicist Dominique Arago at the Sorbonne .
24 I still can not say whose bomb did turn the Tirpitz over , But this is all good for morale ; like the piece of the Tirpit : that I was able to secure for these two happy squadrons , encased in a large frame of good British oak , and displayed at Binbrook as a trophy of what Willie Tait and his gang of two — 617 and 9 , or 9 and 617 , the choice is yours — achieved .
25 After more skirmishes , a compromise was reached which allowed for Liesl to stay with the Wynnes until her real mother was able to care for her .
26 She was able to care for him for two months in the small cottage which had been her parent 's retirement home .
27 After the murder of Gaveston the baronial opposition disintegrated and Edward was able to prepare for a campaign against the Scots , but when this ended in the humiliating defeat of his forces at Bannockburn in June 1314 the earl of Lancaster again united the hopes of the disillusioned baronage .
28 This caused a delay of nine minutes , but play was able to restart for the last couple of overs .
29 My hon. and learned Friend was able to apply for an Adjournment debate .
30 In the shared community of sacrifice the party had undoubtedly widened its community of interest with the British people , and was able to speak for all of the people in 1917–18 as it had spoken for only an embattled half in 1913 .
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