Example sentences of "[is] fill with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The temperature is bitterly cold , the chamber is filled with freezing fog , and drifting towards the adventurers to surround them come the soul pupae .
2 The world is filled with sad women who put a brave face on their unhappiness , even on a tropical island .
3 The Welsh Prestige Stamp Book is filled with evocative photographs of Wales .
4 On either side of this scene there crouches a human watcher and the air is filled with small birds — thirty-one of them altogether .
5 From the cover cartoon of John Major , labelled ‘ Yesterday 's man — the vanishing Prime Minister ’ it is filled with ill-chosen invective .
6 Her story is filled with fascinating accounts of her daily observation , which reveal many extraordinary secrets of rhino behaviour : how they communicate by subtle changes in their breathing patterns , and how amicably they live together most of the time .
7 The mind is filled with floating images of the utmost brilliance .
8 Decorated with Disney 's best loved characters — such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck — the Teethe & Cool is filled with sanitised water .
9 The suggestion is that the whole of the Universe is filled with virtual particles .
10 The air is filled with cut-glass as handsome women in the prime of life peck at each other 's cheeks and cry welcome ; their heavily built , blue-suited , florid-faced husbands exchange boxers ' handshakes with a contrived , Golf Club conviviality .
11 If the chamber is filled with combustible fuel and a mouth pressure pipe is attached , a needle-thin jet of liquid is produced .
12 The bag is filled with religious tracts already autographed ; the first thing he does every day at six , when he gets up .
13 The room , which looks west over the garage far below , is filled with cream-painted and decorated furniture that matches the hanging cupboard in the lobby .
14 One of its unusual features is the later window in the façade which is filled with decorative marble plates instead of glass ( PLATE 46 ) .
15 She checks daily that her changing bag is filled with essential and spare clothes and leaves it permanently packed in the hall ready to pick up at a moment 's notice so she 's never caught unprepared .
16 It is held in a double-skinned tank which is filled with hot water to raise the temperature of the milk .
17 The sky turns greyish-brown and ( he air is filled with fine red-brown dust .
18 In my view this country is filled with immense new moral forces which have been dammed back for ten years by the great dead bulk of the Labour Party Machine lying like a fallen tree across the road to progress .
19 Another process is sometimes adopted for getting rid of the sediment without the trouble of decanting in this mode ; the bottles are reserved in a frame proper for the purpose , for a certain number of days , so as to permit the foulness to fall into the neck ; while in this position , the cork is dexterously withdrawn and that portion of the wine that is foul , allowed to escape , after which the bottle is filled with clear wine , permanently corked and secured with wire .
20 To make one , a pie dish lined with shortcrust pastry is filled with sliced cooking apples sprinkled with demerara sugar and topped with slices of cheese .
21 Particular to graphite intercalation compounds is their tendency to form periodically stacked high-stage compounds in which only a fraction of the interlayer spaces of the graphite host lattice is filled with intercalated layers .
22 At breeding colonies air is filled with deafening cries of ‘ kitt-ee-wayke ’ , also has a low ‘ uk-uk-uk ’ and a wailing note .
23 One fully automatic greenhouse is filled with flowering and foliage pot-plants ; round the perimeter carnations , alstroemerias and freesias are being grown for cut flowers using the latest cultivation techniques .
24 ‘ This pool is filled with freshwater crocodiles and water pythons but they do n't bother us so we did n't tell you . ’
25 The cable car journey to the top is the longest in the Alps and the whole journey is filled with breathtaking scenery .
26 Most of the tank is served by an undergravel system but there 's also an external power filter , in the shape of a Fluval 403 , which is filled with ceramic rings and carbon .
27 The day time is filled with fun and laughter ,
28 As he looked towards the Iconostasis , the wall that is filled with important and unique icons , he tried to re-create his grandfather 's torment , his inner pain and despair .
29 The cell is filled with heavy water ( shown as dots ) and is surrounded by a bath of ordinary water to maintain constant temperature .
30 The northern half of this room is filled with surgical implements in racks , preserved body parts , anatomical diagrams and plates , flasks of liquids , and similar apparatus .
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