Example sentences of "[is] bad for your " in BNC.

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1 Lucy is bad for your psyche .
2 TRYING to get fit quickly after the Christmas binge is bad for your health , experts warn today .
3 Cushions and pads may help for a while but they will never convert a seat or chair that is bad for your back into one which gives you comfort and relief .
4 It may not be just the drink that is bad for your health .
5 Lead-free petrol is bad for your car 's health , according to motor mechanics who say they 're repairing dozens of cars which have been damaged by it .
6 ‘ It 's bad for your digestion , mother , too much tea . ’
7 Officially it 's bad for your health .
8 It 's bad for your health
9 I might as well say it ; I am fed up with people writing to me and saying : ‘ Do n't touch the Ouija board ; it 's bad for your health ’ . ’
10 Salt 's bad for your heart so
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