Example sentences of "[is] [adv] longer [det] " in BNC.

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1 If not dead , the question becomes one of whether the patient still needs the ventilator in order to breathe ; and , if so , whether , from the point of view of ultimate benefit , there is any longer any point in turning it back on .
2 Within that new order Parliament is no longer all powerful and can not amend or repeal any statute by which that order was established .
3 Tinbergen argued that rapid cultural change may have pushed human systems into an environment which is no longer that to which the species has adapted through evolution .
4 the truth is that the far left is no longer that important .
5 It is in this context that a new future role for inner cities finds favour with Robson , who justifies the need for an inner city policy on the potential of the city to become a place of consumption linked with business services : ‘ the role of cities in production is no longer that of access to labour , but of access to information ’ ( p16 ) .
6 And not just because as teenagers it is no longer that easy to keep them safely by your side .
7 Several species , since body weight is no longer such a problem , have once again taken to armour .
8 No one , he submitted , can give evidence ‘ in his capacity as an officer or servant of the Crown ’ if he is no longer such an officer or servant .
9 So it is no longer such a hypothetical question to ask , if the nation state were to be abolished ( at least in the sense that it was no longer governed by a sovereign government directly accountable for its actions to the people ) , would a new form of democracy , perhaps more potent than that offered by the nation state , rise from the ashes ?
10 But it is no longer these stars of the first magnitude that hold his fancy .
11 In fact , there is no longer any reason to call it English verse , and there is no present reason to think of England at all .
12 The British-based Environmental Investigation Agency says in a brochure , A system of extention , that ‘ the scale of abuse of the responsibilities entrusted to the secretariat of the parties ( CITES 103 member nations ) has become so widespread , and the extensive manipulations to prevent a ban on the ivory trade so obvious and desperate , that there is no longer any doubt about the ivory trade 's grip on major decisions being taken by the secretariat ’ .
13 With consumer confidence at its lowest level in years , there is no longer any doubt in Motown that the American car market has entered its worst recession in a decade .
14 In the Soviet Union , on the other hand , there is no longer any pretence that academics can be above the tumult of political conflict .
15 In spite of the fact that since the Clean Air Act of 1956 , pollution caused by smoke has been greatly reduced to the benefit of those who live in the cities , we must not fool ourselves into thinking that there is no longer any problem .
16 A new stillness enters our hearts , where there is no longer any need to express ourselves .
17 After retirement these expectations may no longer even be relevant , yet habits die hard and probably patterns of caring have already been established which will go on exerting an influence even though there is no longer any need .
18 There is no longer any need for more payload capacity .
19 Then allow the particles to move apart in such a way that the combined wave function does not change even though the distance between the particles may be so great that there is no longer any possibility of mutual interaction : in principle this could be many kilometres .
20 The mutant gene , they now confess , found its way into their cell cultures as a contaminant and there is no longer any evidence that cancer genes may be inherited ( see Nature vol 302 , p 476 ) .
21 If they have been used to rushing home from work or watching the clock during any stolen time with friends , they may find it hard to adapt to the fact that there is no longer any need to hurry back .
22 The enormous range of music available on compact disc at considerably less than premium price is breathtaking and , as our current survey demonstrates again and again , there is no longer any direct relation between the cost of a CD and its quality or desirability .
23 When this happens , there is no longer any such thing as prehistory : it has been replaced by history .
24 This means that there is no longer any tax advantage in giving money for the benefit of individuals via a covenant .
25 Happily , this does not apply any more and today there is no longer any limit to the amount pensioners can earn .
26 There is no longer any dichotomy of truth and lies that he can manipulate from midway between the audience and the other characters .
27 And after last season there is no longer any such thing as a ‘ good second ’ for the Barcelona man .
28 There is no longer any need to ask whether " the whole discipline of criticism " has a future .
29 In presenting the report to the national church extension committee , he made the astonishing statement that there is no longer any dire poverty in Scotland .
30 Simply this that any government of any colour , at any level , central or local and any organization charged with the responsibility of meeting the needs of elderly people which proceeds on the tacit assumption or makes the blatant assertion that there is no longer any poverty in Scotland is requiring to be contradicted because it is not true .
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