Example sentences of "[is] [conj] they actually " in BNC.

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1 Er and then to contrast this you 've got like the feminist view er well it 's a just reconstruct a lot of these ideas instead of saying that women 's talk was diffident they said it was more considerate , and so the idea that quite often A lot of the features that are in this conversation are n't because women want to be deferential to the men they 're talking to , it 's that they actually want to show some consideration to the turn-taking or the conversational style that 's going on .
2 ‘ What I like about the three guys is that they actually care about that .
3 An assumption underlying all tests is that they actually provide measures which reflect the abilities they purport to test .
4 I just want to read three anecdotes which , and I mean I 've given you sort of odd statistics and the advantage of anecdotes is that they actually put flesh on the bones I think , and they really give you a sense of what it meant to be er a peasant in China in the nineteen thirties .
5 ‘ The truth about chaps who want to be father figures , ’ remarked Lili , ‘ is that they actually want a mummy figure themselves .
6 In the whole time that the kids have been going away we 've never had a single problem over religion and the biggest boost is that they actually want to meet each other again after the holiday , ’ she explained .
7 And what I 've asked is that they actually did and not separate it .
8 Silly thing is that they actually believe it do n't they ?
9 Neither Brunswick Brothers AS from Docklands or Tile Kiln AS from Hackney will have a clue where the venue for the match is until they actually arrive .
10 Whilst desktop publishing at the low-end of the market may appear to be a careful juggling match between cost and quality of output , as indeed it is , the real determining factor about the suitability of the products is whether they actually provide some benefit that could not be achieved by other means .
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