Example sentences of "[vb infin] straight to the " in BNC.

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1 But then it was that thoughts began to penetrate her desire-clouded mind — the realisation that , should these ribbon ties become undone , then her nightdress would fall straight to the floor — and she would be left — stark naked .
2 For a quiet life , I should now head straight to the welcoming arms and biscuit tin of Ms Topaz , to be lectured on the error of my ways and dispatched to the new homogenised spook pool for retraining .
3 Erm whereas if there were independent trustees responsible to the regulator and they were properly trained , they would I suggest be able to smell out very quickly any malpractice and would have straight to the regulator , if only to call a stop for someone to have a look at it .
4 Now it could go straight to the byre .
5 Fabre confirmed that Tertian will go straight to the 2,000 Guineas , in which he will be ridden by Pat Eddery for Khalid Abdullah .
6 He might have to abandon his return to the pensione to change and go straight to the Stasi address .
7 After his election , if he is wise , he will go straight to the appropriate officer and consult him about the matter , for all sorts of considerations will apply : for example , the claims of other departments , town planning restrictions , the expense of the land and the like .
8 ‘ Now you 're here , ’ said Frobisher , ‘ We 'll go straight to the skull . ’
9 He asks if you would inform her as soon as possible that her son has had a serious accident and would she go straight to the hospital .
10 Very often PR consultancies only give their own executives ' names , but there are times when a journalist will want to " go straight to the horse 's mouth " and a contact within the client company can be very important .
11 maths information we had a , a child would go straight to the maths
12 Why did n't I go straight to the Star Council ? ’
13 This fiddling can go straight to the heart of the way a woman feels about herself .
14 She would go straight to the Dragon Cloud .
15 A persistent searcher might find some records by browsing subject headings , but one would thing that any subject catalogue worthy of the name could go straight to the records described by the above headings .
16 It somehow did n't surprise her that he should go straight to the heart of things .
17 They might go straight to the Foreign Office .
18 ‘ Then why did n't you go straight to the police with what he 'd told you ? ’
19 From now on chiefly in parts of Cheshire patients considered to be in need of specialist care will go straight to the North West Regional Trauma Centre in Stoke on Trent .
20 She didn there would 've been enough change in that and Kath was gon na go straight to the bank and get her some money back , right ?
21 Ro Roses are red , violets are blue , I 'll get straight to the point , I want to bonk you !
22 Roses are red , violets are blue , I 'll get straight to the point
23 ‘ In that case , Father , I will come straight to the point . ’
24 ‘ If I may come straight to the point , sir .
25 ‘ But I would be obliged if you would come straight to the point , Captain Carew . ’
26 ‘ I 'll come straight to the point , ’ he said .
27 It gets more and more embarrassing to watch Dustin Hoffman coughing and limping as if he 'd come straight to the film from a Broadway theatre . ’
28 Let me come straight to the point .
29 By now I think mum and dad had gone home but they 'd rang Ian and he 'd come straight to the hospital and sat with me .
30 ‘ I 'll come straight to the point , Miss .
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