Example sentences of "[vb infin] anything [prep] them " in BNC.

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1 He also spent a great deal of time strolling around New York 's back streets observing down-and-outs to see if he could steal anything from them — for the role , that is .
2 And maybe somebody would come to your door and say their wee boy or their girl was making their first communion , and they were in dire straights and could n't buy anything for them , and you would more or less have to give them your book to help them out , but you would go with them so that they did n't go over the score and get just exactly what that wain needed , you know , and just hope that they had enough money to pay you at the end of the quarter , you know .
3 She would n't like it if people knew what she was and she did n't know anything about them .
4 But why do n't we know anything about them ?
5 Now , after that , you was er taught all the parts of the waggons , and er this took quite a long while because we did n't know anything about them , and er where they all went and the parts they went .
6 How did he know anything about them ? ’
7 ‘ But you do n't know anything about them ! ’
8 And why must n't Phena know anything about them ?
9 So , I really know nothing about Leica cameras , I 've never used one , I do n't particularly know anything about them .
10 ‘ Oh , well , I do n't know anything about them .
11 I , I , I , do n't wan na know anything about them .
12 Do n't know anything about them .
13 got ta got ta royal visit coming up he said you 've worked at the Scottish Office do you know anything about them and I said yes tell the Scottish Office they 'll do all the a Royal navy one I 've got to do it I said fine when is it ?
14 Well Mick it 's now stage two of the er Anglo-Italian Cup , it 's Pisa tonight , er do you know anything about them as a team ?
15 Do you know anything about them at all , their form and what sort of leagues they play in ?
16 ‘ That 's why human rights violations , even those by Idi Amin in Uganda , have been such embarrassments , because you ca n't legally do anything about them in international law , ’ Prof Wilkinson says .
17 ‘ But I do not flatter myself that I can do anything about them .
18 Scientists contend that the principles of natural law that govern our universe can not be turned aside , you can not ignore them , they are fixed , they are great things that , that you can not alter God can not do anything about them .
19 Well you got one of their trees in there and they 'll cut that down and they do n't do anything about them .
20 The hare and the hatter also decide to put the poor little dormouse into the teapot , which is rather cruel because he did n't do anything to them and it is rather a strange thing for his companions to do .
21 I 'd do anything for them . ’
22 They were jostled by smart young people , and no one would do anything for them .
23 ‘ Ca n't we do anything for them ? ’
24 ‘ We are declaring people homeless and then they are having to join a queue because we ca n't do anything for them , there is such a backlog . ’
25 I ca n't do anything with them ! ’
26 Yes , Chairman , can I say that erm , when the b the budget 's in the process of formulation and we 're discussing the question of balances and reserves and how they should be marked for the immediate future , particularly in regard to the way that er , reorganization may take place at police authorities in the very near future , and also those of us who are on this , on , on other committees who 've had experience in , and the same sort of thing happening in further education for instance , where immediately the assets , before even the regulations were put on the table , the assets of all these things were , all these er , erm , coll the further education colleges were frozen so we could n't do anything with them at all as an Authority , and er , actually many of them were taken from us without er , without any question at all .
27 and his mate had one and he had the other one and he said I 'll never be able to use them he said and they 're in the way , can you do anything with them ?
28 like if you ever work in a children 's ward you can always tell the children that 've been hospitalised for a great length of time cos you can do anything with them
29 I was gon na say , is n't , they ca n't do anything on them at all !
30 No , we 're not , we 're not , I do n't see anything of them do I ?
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