Example sentences of "[vb infin] far [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We can know far more about a fictional character than we can about another human , even more than we can know about ourselves .
2 The purchaser will be negotiating the heads from a position of weakness in that it will know far more about the vendor 's business once the due diligence has been completed .
3 With the new device Henry could contribute far more to group meetings and to his own learning and development .
4 If that blood is fresh we can do far more with it . "
5 We can do far more for the author . ’
6 ‘ I 'm sure it will do far more for you .
7 That day the bones of the brother of my mother who went to the bottom of the sea will rise up through the green waters , and when they meet the air they will take on his flesh again , and he will swim far up into the endless air and he will meet the old man , free of his dust walking in the air , and my mother flying , and me flying , and I will be laughing .
8 ‘ I just ca n't see far away at all , and at night everything is blurry , especially indoors .
9 Ca n't you see far enough beyond your own petty little desires to realise that ? ’
10 The pageant was so big that they could keep far apart from each other without trying .
11 It may be appropriate to end up with a net present value ( NPV ) calculation for all types of investment , but obtaining the correct decision may depend far more on recognizing the differences , in nature and importance , of the underlying factors which will affect the projected cash flows .
12 Remember to make the shape of your mount echo that of the letter you are designing — for example , if you want to create a capital I , it will fit far better in a long , thin , rectangular mount , say 22.5 × 15cm ( 9 × 6in ) , with an aperture 5cm ( 2in ) smaller all round , than a circular frame or mount .
13 But this does not go far enough for us and er shortly we will be moving another amendment which will take the council 's budget down to the standard spending assessment and I will speak to that er when I come to move that amendment .
14 The Bundesbank has warned that monetary union will fail because Maastricht did not go far enough on political union .
15 A PDS statement said that Amato 's draft programme did not go far enough towards creating a " government of innovation " and did not give sufficient weight to the elimination of corrupt practices .
16 The number of responses opposed to the proposals on the grounds that they did not go far enough towards independence was very small — only a few academic boards of institutions had expressed that view .
17 MOSCOW ( Reuter ) — A Soviet parliamentary committee rejected the government 's proposed budget and economic plan for 1990 saying it did not go far enough in adapting the Soviet planned economy to competition and market forces .
18 Some activists were disappointed at the emphasis on legal measures and discouragement of ‘ direct action ’ and felt that legislation did not go far enough in tackling the ‘ Jewish Question ’ .
19 If the terms of reference you have in mind are not precise , or if they are not explicitly stated , you may not go far enough in your investigations or you may stray outside the limits that your boss or client has in mind .
20 15 of them , together with Austria , issued a formal objection to the conference 's final statement , claiming that it did not go far enough in setting goals for limiting global warming , or in guaranteeing aid to developing countries .
21 America 's federal government recently said it will rely far more on short-term debt to fund its huge deficit than it did in the past .
22 But Ms Maeve Sherlock , NUS president , said students could lose far more in welfare benefits than they would be able to borrow — around £523 per term for every claimant in London and up to £900 a term for mature students in the capital .
23 Collectors may well bid far more for such a piece of Maxwell memorabilia .
24 Th they wan na get far away from it .
25 I satisfied myself with the knowledge that I would suffer far more from leaving him than he would suffer from my absence .
26 A child will learn far more about a dandelion if he has to draw it because to draw it he must observe it very carefully and the drawing of it will implant the shape and colour and texture firmly in his mind , even though his drawing may not be very good or life-like .
27 They can penetrate far inland in the form of tidal bores , funnelling incoming tides up a narrowing channel with increasing power and destructiveness .
28 The only time we sharply disagreed occurred when near the end of our deliberations I argued that we should say far more about classroom practice .
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