Example sentences of "[vb infin] and ask [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Here , she would think and ask herself , again and again , what lay in the future for her ?
2 I also jot down the questions I did answer and ask myself if my answers were open or closed .
3 I thought it was his shape moving behind your kitchen net curtain and er I thought oh I 'll dash and ask him now about those car mats so I can go and get them .
4 Well I could always ring and ask them to get the container up here earlier on Friday you see so
5 But would you mind me , giving me their telephone numbers and I could ring and ask them myself ?
6 Well if you want to just ring and ask someone to bring them .
7 But what I 'll try and ask you to do is your service level is not just four nights four noons four despatch you know it 's not just that .
8 If you want to speak to the operator , then , yes you must phone and ask them to get the operator for you .
9 But , I take it a little step further because if I do go somewhere like a bus and people are smoking then I 'll actually approach and ask them to put it out .
10 but er we can go and ask them , yes .
11 You can soon go and ask them cos some git 's gon na be coming over and hitting you for taking the
12 Shall I go and ask her ?
13 Can you go and ask her how many bags she 's got ?
14 Could you go and ask her how many bags she 's got ?
15 I 'll go and ask him later . ’
16 Well , can we go and ask him for an invitation ?
17 ‘ Will you go and ask him if he 'll come and fix my jeep ? ’
18 Wait there a moment , I 'll go and ask him . ’
19 Might go and ask him about that ammonia .
20 ‘ I 'll go and ask your mother . ’
21 ‘ We 'll go and ask your father , ’ she said .
22 She made me go and ask your Mum for it .
23 I can go and ask someone . ’
24 er the one 's that I choose to make , but I would n't go and ask someone to , to help me with it .
25 He hoped , I suppose , that she would come and ask him to forgive her .
26 ‘ Sometimes at the weekend Mr Rosenbloom would come and ask me to iron his shirts .
27 I have tried every way I wrote let a letter hoping somebody would actually come and ask me what was wrong .
28 They 'd come and ask you for advice and you 'd tell them and help them all you could .
29 ‘ If ever I 'm that desperate for money I 'll come and ask you for it , ’ she said .
30 ‘ I felt I should come and ask you — ’
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