Example sentences of "[vb infin] to either of " in BNC.

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1 Everyone in this part of the world had obviously been fighting against either the Russians or the Yugoslavs , but the devil of it was that they were prepared to do anything rather than surrender to either of these armies . "
2 ‘ I spoke to Edwards about Bull and so did Stan Flashman , but Alex Ferguson tells me Martin Edwards did n't speak to either of us because he was with him all afternoon .
3 It did n't really occur to either of us that it would end , and there would be a baby .
4 Marr also confirmed that the new peak did not correspond to either of the known toxins using the HPLC-fluorescence method and standards of okadaic acid and DTX-1 .
5 Bill and Kath , along with their loyal staff have put virtually a lifetime 's effort into acquiring the immense amount of stock contained at PAS , and the one thing that really concerns them is that if anything should ever happen to either of them , what would be the future for all the stock ?
6 Flashing that kind of money in this kind of joint could lead to either of two things , a uniformed policeman or a chippie .
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