Example sentences of "[was/were] responsible [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 They are popular group , and the fiercest lobby in the business : no one asks of widows — as they do of unmarried mothers or the divorced — whether they were responsible for their own plight .
2 or : No , the Liberals were responsible for their own decline .
3 How could you direct a team when your staff practised half a dozen different scientific disciplines , used their own methods , were responsible for their own results , stood finally alone to justify and defend them in the only place where the quality of a forensic scientist 's work could properly be judged , the witness box of a court of law ?
4 Because of this , Buadilio Aguilar 's family believe that the security forces were responsible for his disappearance .
5 When he saw the terrorists , the people who were responsible for his plight , he lunged forward , grabbed a rifle off one of the soldiers .
6 Believing that the merchants were responsible for his sequestration in 1644 , following the interception of a letter of his to Charles I , Crowe retaliated in 1646 by bribing the grand vizier to arrest all the company 's factory at Constantinople and some of its merchants at Smyrna .
7 A spokesman for the kidnappers insisted , however , that Ghani had been released alive and that the Indian security forces were responsible for his death .
8 I too remember when Darlington was a county borough and we had a lovely town when we were responsible for our own efficiency and everything in the garden was lovely .
9 It could be argued that they might help to identify him , but it was felt that they might relate to another crime and that if we started talking about them it might put whoever was responsible on his guard .
10 Tied in with the third exhibition of her work by London dealer David Gill who was responsible for her renaissance .
11 I was responsible for her very existence and her every form came straight out of my heart . ’
12 When she found that she was pregnant , she turned to her older sister for help , and since the O'Dells knew that Mr Marriner had been paying court to Moira , they assumed he was responsible for her condition .
13 Had she realized who was responsible for her husband 's death ?
14 At first , the parish was responsible for its poor , then came the union of parishes and then the Boards of Guardians followed by the local authorities ( county and county borough councils ) .
15 The zoologist was upset because she felt that the small animal had suffered from the journey in the box and she was responsible for its death .
16 After the wine for the day had been chosen by the master of the house , the butler was responsible for its presentation at table .
17 He quoted from it frequently in his letters , and he was responsible for its wide dissemination in England .
18 At Barrow-in-Furness the site of the new town was owned by the dukes of Devonshire , one of whom was responsible for its planning in the middle decades of the nineteenth century .
19 And the House of Lords reversed the Court of Appeal and decided that the union was responsible for its shop stewards .
20 As director of the Institute of Child Health from 1946 he was responsible for its rapid development and for the innovative departments of growth and development , and tropical medicine .
21 " De-communization " legislation under discussion in early March was aimed , according to Sasho Stoyanov , the Union of Democratic Forces ( UDF ) National Assembly member who was responsible for its drafting , " mainly against the former nomenklatura and State Security agents " .
22 And while some parents complain to the head teacher about their children becoming involved with the RUC , at least one headmistress was reported as being committed to the community relations programme , telling parents that she was responsible for their education and that they could move their child if they objected to the way this was done ( FN 10/2/87 , p. 7 ) .
23 Apparently the severe winter of 1947 was responsible for their destruction .
24 It is difficult to distinguish cause and effect ; and even if we could be sure that the low level of orienting in the pre-exposed subjects was responsible for their retarded conditioning , it would still be necessary to explain why it is that the OR should return when reinforced training begins .
25 If they became tied agents they were authorised to do business through the life office which took them on ; the life office , in turn , was responsible for their conduct .
26 What was responsible for their emergence ?
27 Although there is a claim that these vats were introduced by Charles Tennant Dunlop and Heinrich Buff of Giessen , it is generally accepted that Shanks was responsible for their development .
28 This was achieved by a religious ritual which may have stemmed from one in which the original parricides mutilated themselves ( and especially the organ which was responsible for their incestuous desires ) out of remorse and guilt at what they had done and in mourning for the primal father .
29 He was the one who was responsible for your brother 's death , as everyone in the business knew ! ’
30 Do n't you understand he was responsible for your brother 's death ? ’
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