Example sentences of "[was/were] evidence of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But he would deny that they were evidence of God .
2 If these two ballets were evidence of MacMillan 's gift for using the classical technique in a fresh and personal way , La Hermanas ( based on Lorca 's The House of Bernarda Alba ) , which came between , showed those themes of dark sexuality which would find their full development in Mayerling .
3 The head of South Africa 's CITES delegation , Piet Mulder , agreed that there was evidence of SADF involvement in ivory smuggling , but blamed it on a few corrupt elements .
4 Although there was evidence of awareness of the need to adapt training programmes rather than simply abandon them , there was also evidence of lack of any systematic in-service training , justified by inability to employ methods that depend on staff mobility :
5 There was evidence of HDV infection in five patients , each of whom was positive for HDAb in serum and HDAg in liver .
6 It was evidence of Karajan 's genius or magic or whatever we care to call it that he took enormous pains with these simple chords in order to get just the right degree of string tone with an appropriately dark colour .
7 However , all deaths and most of the considerable arterial damage occurred where pressures were uncontrolled , poorly controlled , or treatment was delayed until there was evidence of organ damage , largely because aggressive prescription of tolerable drugs only gradually became accepted practice in the late 1960s and early 1970s .
8 Cryptosporidium was found on villous , not crypt , epithelium ( Fig 4b ) and there was evidence of brush border effacement at sites of attachment ( Fig 4c ) .
9 Nakayama stressed , however , that the March 13 decision to increase Japanese financial support for US forces in his country was evidence of Japan 's commitment to bilateral relations .
10 This time there was evidence of occupation — the thin , reed-like sound of a young child 's voice and the discernibly laboured breathing of a man in deep slumber .
11 For a westerner entering this harsh , insected and vipered landscape , a small sanctuary of parterres and walkways and pergolas and gravelled paths and granite crazy paving , was evidence of faith .
12 There was evidence of rivets in it and an X-ray revealed traces of a metal covering , which confirmed to experts that it might well have come from the gable end of just such a shrine , and that it could well have been the piece described by the father of Welsh historical research .
13 Bushes had been used as toilets , and there was evidence of drug abuse .
14 Police have said there was evidence of drug taking at the £17-a-head event , including discarded packets of white powder and some cannabis resin , but there were no arrests for drugs .
15 On the downside there was evidence of polarisation between fundholders and non-fundholders .
16 There was evidence of volume ‘ causing ’ volatility in the NYSE Composite , but not in the S&P500 .
17 NRA Thames Region spokeswoman Sharon Bolton said : ‘ We had a call late on Sunday night and it was too dark to do anything so we went down on Monday morning and although there was evidence of oil there was not a sufficient amount for concern .
18 Thus , he pronounced against the rule that a man could not be liable for the rape of his concubine , stating that concubinage was evidence of consent , but no more than this since the woman could withdraw from cohabitation and thus withdraw her consent .
19 Wickham asked whether there was evidence of fraud .
20 The Central North Side as a whole was , by the 1980s , represented by the Central North Side Neighborhood Council ( CNSNC ) but there was evidence of tension between the young people brought up in the area for whom there were slim prospects of employment ( levels of unemployment consistently outstripped the city average ) and householders involved in revitalisation .
21 All chemotherapeutic drugs were given on four consecutive days at four week intervals for a total of six months or until there was evidence of tumour progression .
22 In addition , there was evidence of organization amongst pro-Syrian and pro-Iraqi Ba'ath activists .
23 Subsequently , however , they appear to suggest that the police would be unlikely to pursue such a complaint unless there was evidence of injury .
24 The offender had a degree of responsibility for the victim , there was evidence of planning and the victim , while not as young as some victims , was only 13 .
25 He argued that since there was evidence of market failure ( Chapter 2 ) and public sector failure ( Chapter 3 ) it was logical to expect there to be room for a third kind of organisation that served purposes which public and market institutions failed to do .
26 There was evidence of bomb damage everywhere and with the blackout and dusk falling , the prospect was less than pleasing .
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