Example sentences of "[was/were] allow [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The girl and her family were ushered out through a judge 's exit before reporters were allowed into court .
2 Five months were allowed for dispatch of last welding rods and elsie transfers on opening and presentation .
3 In certain circumstances German officers , too , were allowed to duel and membership of a good duelling club as a student was to a large degree a sine qua non for promotion in the higher German civil service .
4 Constable McLennan stated that children of primary school age were allowed to cycle on the pavement .
5 Senior members marked the competitors ' cards and the caddies were allowed to practice on the course beforehand !
6 Almondsbury were back on level terms two minutes after the break when Storey was allowed to centre , and although Tony Price cleared off the line , it was followed up by another player to hammer in .
7 Dundee did deservedly edge in front in the 12th minute when Gary McKeown curled in a cross from the right and defender Gary Paterson was allowed to chest the ball down before hooking it high into the net .
8 Goa was allowed to atrophy .
9 You wanted him to settle down and accept you , and then Claire came along — I was furious with him for upsetting her like that- and he was allowed to slack and play the fool at that damned school till he was right behind .
10 A period of just a few seconds was allowed for recall and if they could recall only one or two letters the subjects were asked to specify their position in the sequence .
11 The ammunition was soft-nosed , not what he 'd been used to but the only kind that was allowed for hunting .
12 Mrs Pember Reeves was ambivalent on the issue , commenting that it depended largely on whether the accommodation was above or below ground and on the absolute minimum that was allowed for food .
13 After flushing the stomachs with 50 ml saline to remove any solid contents , a period of 1 hour was allowed for equilibration during which the stomach was continuously perfused with saline ( room temperature ) at a rate of 0.7–0.8 ml/min .
14 Only the British Consul , Henry Veitch , was allowed on board while the ship was in Madeira .
15 Although the planners refused an application for a retail development on the site this was allowed on appeal .
16 No abuse of a prisoner was allowed during court proceedings ( Mark 14:65 ; Matt.
17 The soft drinks which she also made were good sellers during the summer months , costing only 2½d and even then , 1d was allowed upon return of the bottle .
18 A classic ( or , more accurately , notorious ) example was the Centre Point agreement under which a large increase in density was allowed in exchange for the planning gain of land for road purposes .
19 Care should , however , be taken where a section appears to confer no right of appeal , but that section is in fact linked to another section where a right of appeal exists ; e.g. under s.62 a licensing board may attach conditions to a grant or transfer of a licence and apparently there is no right of appeal against that section , but in Wallace v. Kyle and Carrick Licensing Board , 1979 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 12 , it was held that as s.62 was ancillary to s.10 under which licences were granted , an appeal was competent ; see also M. Milne v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1987 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 145 where an appeal against a decision by the clerk under 5.10(1) refusing to accept a late application for renewal was allowed in respect that the application related to a renewal of a licence under s.17(4) .
20 The school receded into the distance as the pupils skimmed above the treetops , and Mildred was grateful that no talking was allowed in flight , so nobody could ask her any awkward questions .
21 Hector , as eager as she for the only brief release he was allowed from confinement in the bedchamber , trotted at her heels , obedient to her call .
22 Suppose that a student council was allowed by law to donate money to a political party .
23 In free as well as in pauper apprenticeship corporal punishment was allowed within reason , and the treatment of the " chimney boys " was as notorious as that of the factory children , for in both cases youngsters were being consigned to labour in conditions in which few parents would willingly have placed them .
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