Example sentences of "[was/were] all [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The intent of the politician was of course to create a feeling of obligation , which he undoubtedly hoped would stand him in good stead at the next election , but such feelings were all the stronger because the shrewd political manager never breathed a word about a bargain or the anticipated political return .
2 She could n't cloak her antagonism which was all the worse for the element of truth in what he said .
3 This poverty was all the worse for the general affluence around it , and until now it had been little noticed by the majority .
4 The pope 's request was all the odder because there was already in existence a special papal commission discussing birth control and related issues .
5 The impact was all the greater because for nearly two decades industry had benefited from particularly favourable terms of trade for raw materials and food which , in various ways , had moderated production costs and wage demands .
6 From base camp the summit was barely visible , so on sighting the route our surprise was all the greater .
7 The impact of the ‘ Journal télévisé ’ ( main news bulletin ( and the effectiveness of Gaullist control of all state broadcasting , was all the greater .
8 His dominance was all the greater after the death of the earl of Warwick in August 1315 , and at the Lincoln parliament in January 1316 he was recognized as head of the council .
9 Help had been so close — and the disappointment was all the greater for it .
10 And the piece was all the better for it .
11 And the party was all the better for not being spoiled by a strike by lecturers which had been threatened earlier in the week .
12 Time and time again families were identified with a particular farm or tenement , a link that was all the stronger because the home was also the place of work , the spot where an individual spent most of his time .
13 After such a blow to belief in the government 's honesty and in its all-seeing ability to fix things , the leap to anti-communist opposition was all the easier to make .
14 On the other hand , by far the commonest qualification of clauses is by single property words , and whenever there is a choice of form available , English shows unambiguously that these take the adverbial form , used in property qualification , and not the adjectival form needed for entity qualification : ( 71 ) the baker , finally successful , produced a wonderful cake ( 72 ) her final success was all the sweeter after the failures ( 73 ) finally , the droschke was repaired ( 74 ) final , the droschke was repaired
15 It was all the harder because I could have given up at any moment .
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