Example sentences of "[was/were] once [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 AN attempt to turn a building in which rocks were once crushed into a museum and restaurant has been scrapped .
2 The assembly plants and body shops of Detroit were once staffed by workers from the adjacent farms and small towns of Michigan and Ontario , as well as by immigrants from Poland and elsewhere in Europe .
3 Various experiments in grassroots or democratic communication took place in South Africa , some of which were once supported by WACC while others are still being supported .
4 Other farms that were once situated in the centre of the village have been displaced by extensive house building which began in the early 1960s and continues to the present day .
5 This building was completed in 1982 and occupies the same site in the walled garden as the original estate conservatory , where peaches and carnations were once grown in one of the Oxfordshire 's oldest greenhouses .
6 They position their pylons anywhere they choose and act as though they were still the strategic industry that they were once defined as .
7 Doc Martins , the boots that were once made for working , but are now sold world-wide as fashion accessories , have prompted an export award for the makers , Airwair of Northampton .
8 between older industrial areas that were once based on manufacturing industry ( such as the North West , the North , the West Midlands ) and those areas with a high concentration of newer services and high-technology employment ( such as the South East , East Anglia ) ;
9 I am afraid there are segments of the left who are especially envious of its capacity to animate the groups which were once regarded as their traditional supporters .
10 But what is striking is not so much the fact that Auguste Comte or Herbert Spencer were , after all , persons of some intellectual stature , than that men who were once regarded as the Aristotles of the modern world have practically vanished from sight .
11 The forestry commission were once regarded as the covering the country with grand conifers but in the last twenty years they have been changing their ways , they now go half way to square yard their land .
12 The early chapters of Genesis were once regarded by some Christians as an embarrassment .
13 Our metabolic differences were once explained to us by a Dyak companion in Borneo as due to the fact that I belong to the tribe of gibbons , whereas Lorne belongs more to that of the orangutan .
14 Christopher Gill ( Member for Ludlow and a Midlands businessman ) , as has been mentioned in Chapter 6 , has concerned himself for a long time with what were once seen to be obscure constitutional issues of subsidiarity .
15 ‘ Push ’ , ‘ discipline ’ or ‘ dig in ’ came hissing forth , and were once followed with a hilarious bellow when Parke made an injudicious shot selection : ‘ brain' .
16 THE hands were once referred to as forks , hence to fork out .
17 All we can conclude from these stories is that swine were once kept on Penhill !
18 Daly and Caputi are especially preoccupied with reclaiming the spiritual powers women were once invested with — powers hinted at in the etymology of words like glamour , as noted above .
19 Is it true you were once locked into the vault under the church with Bruckner 's coffin ?
20 The skills in typewriting which were once achieved by intense practice , are now largely embodied in technology .
21 Bridges are being built between different confessions , and a new atmosphere of mutual respect is slowly helping to find ways of overcoming what were once felt to be absolutely irreconcilable differences .
22 It had got its name from the bales of jute which were once landed at its high wharves .
23 Dr. Corrigan suggests that ‘ by the time the World Health Organisation have listed and checked all the herbs which could be used , doctors may find themselves prescribing herbs which were once dismissed as old wives ' tales ’ .
24 In the event , the water is far from hot — the EOKA gunmen who were once interned in this camp probably relied on the same boiler for water , and I am sure it was with a wry sense of humour that the Greek Cypriot government allocated St David 's Camp to the British contingent of the UN Forces in Cyprus .
25 Its name also implies that the mineral springs , which have continued in use until now , were once presided over by a patron deity called Arnemetia , goddess of the sacred grove .
26 The ESPLANADE , on which witches were once burned at the stake , is the scene of the famous Military Tattoo held annually at the time of the International Festival .
27 Tuna were once caught in large numbers in spring and autumn in the Mediterranean and it may be that the Minoans organized large-scale tuna fishing in a similar way .
28 Madonna and Jackson never have mixed — even professionally , though they were once set to work together on a duet .
29 City : Property without solid foundations Bricks and mortar were once thought to be be as good as money in the bank .
30 They were once thought to be very dangerous indeed and believed to steal infants for the Devil to torment in Hell .
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