Example sentences of "[was/were] under [art] control " in BNC.

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1 These deposits , made by various people and companies , were under the control of the Hussein family ; Saddam 's half-brother , Barzan , is said to have run the operation .
2 The comprehensive nature of the local groups is evident from a list of their duties , which were to focus the efforts of different agencies dealing with juvenile employment ; to organize methods of collecting information about the character , education , and home life of school-leavers , usually with the assistance of teachers and school care committees ( SCCs ) ( which were under the control of the education offices ) ; to form subcommittees or rotas to attend the labour exchange for the purpose of interviewing applicants and parents ; and to organize a system of ‘ after-care ’ in co-operation with SCCs , clubs , and other similar organizations .
3 The restaurant and bar operations were under the control of the Food and Beverage Manager , who oversaw the activities of the Head Waiter , Chef and bar staff .
4 The United States expert sought to re-assure the Commission that pre-trial discovery procedures in his country were all after the commencement of proceedings ( the relevance of this being , presumably , that it picks up the requirement of Article 1(2) of the Convention ) and were under the control of a judge .
5 Further south , different areas were under the control of the Somali Democratic Movement ( ‘ S.D.M. ’ ) and Somalia Patriotic Movement ( ‘ S.P.M. ’ ) and the followers of Siad Barre .
6 The countries that were under the control of ruling Marxist-Leninist parties represented , for the USSR , the ‘ world socialist system ’ , a community of nations that shared the same political , social and economic interests .
7 German universities were under the control of the state bureaucracy , which appointed the professors , but they had responded quickly to the specialization of the period with the creation of new chairs .
8 Until 1988 , they were under the control of LEAs ; now they are ‘ free-standing statutory corporations ’ under the direction of boards of governors , half of whose membership consists of people experienced in industry , business , commerce and the professions ; the other half consists of representatives of staff , students and LEAs , together with co-opted members .
9 The opposition Byelarussian Popular Front had claimed that both government and parliament were under the control of former communists .
10 The trained bands , which were under the control of the Tory-Anglican lieutenancy , and which during the Exclusion Crisis had been efficient in suppressing the activities of Whig and Nonconformist crowds , refused to act against the crowds who gathered to prevent people from attending the mass , believing that since the professed purpose was " only pulling down Popery " , they could not " in conscience hinder " .
11 It was never true that the majority of local parties were under the control of the Left but the more active and vocal Constituencies were becoming so by 1939 .
12 And when the Irish Free State did emerge in 1921 , practically the entire school system was under the control of the churches .
13 For much of Charles ' reign Constantinople was under the control of relatively ineffectual rulers , and had many internal disputes and factions which made imperial interest in Italy difficult to enforce .
14 Within a few years Dunkirk Mills was under the control , although not in the complete ownership of Peter Playne , of a long-established clothier family of Flemish descent .
15 By 1839 it was under the control of Playne and Smith , whose main base was Dunkirk Mill .
16 Standard Two was under the control of Miss Judd , a very nice lady whose home was at Winterslow , where she returned in 1924 as Headmistress .
17 Like the FAOR Field Trial ( Chapt 10 ) it took place in an establishment that was under the control of a Social Services Department .
18 Throughout its period of occupation , the region 's wine industry was under the control of a Rhineland wine-maker , Herr Klaebisch , who assumed the title of Führer of Champagne .
19 However , Stevenage — within Hertfordshire — still had ‘ new town ’ status at this time and development in the town was under the control of the Stevenage Development Corporation ( now transferred to the Commission for the New Towns ) .
20 Rug-making in the Balkans can be traced back to the time when the peninsula was under the control of the Turkish empire .
21 The north east was under the control of the Somali Salvation Democratic Front ( ‘ S.S.D.F. ’ ) group .
22 The northern area from Rijeka to Zadar was incorporated into the military frontier , which was under the control of the Habsburgs .
23 Is he aware that Hendon school , in my constituency , was under-subscribed when it was under the control of the local authority but is now over-subscribed ?
24 On June 1 President Ranasinghe Premadasa had held talks with LTTE leaders in Colombo , and on June 6 the government conceded a key LTTE demand , announcing that it would dissolve the North-Eastern Provincial Council ( elected in late 1988 , when the province was under the control of Indian troops , and in the face of an LTTE election boycott — see p. 37007 ) and hold fresh elections .
25 In later years the dry dock was under the control of Marr & Co. but following the building of the new bridge at Bernard Street , only small vessels and yachts could pass under the bridge and reach the dock .
26 This means that the defect is judged in the light of the scientific and technical knowledge at the time the product was under the control of the person seeking to rely on the defence .
27 The Labour Party and the TUC remained " against any form of Means Test at all " , but they discouraged association with the NUWM which was under the control of Communists , particularly of Wal Hannington and Harry McShane .
28 The entire labour movement was under the control of " social fascism " .
29 Singapore had been under Japanese occupation from 1942 but by the time Bernard reached there it was under the control of the British Military Administration .
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