Example sentences of "[was/were] [pron] [pron] wanted " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I was designing Metaltronix gear , I made everything bigger , for product visibility , but I would get letters telling me that the Marshall ‘ standard ’ head dimensions were what they wanted , so that 's what I based these new amp heads on .
2 Horses and wagon were what they wanted , and what they took , for all we could do to stop them .
3 She had asked if there were anything I wanted from England , and I asked her to bring a large , old-fashioned teddy bear for my small Greek godson , George .
4 She could n't reply , he was holding her so tightly ; and , in any case , there was nothing she wanted to say .
5 On the one hand there was nothing she wanted to do more , but on the other , well , she objected strongly to being at his beck and call .
6 For an instant there was nothing she wanted more than to feel the heat of them on hers .
7 There was nothing she wanted to train for .
8 ‘ There was nothing I wanted , ’ she said , ‘ I was quite happy for you to have them , Dorothea .
9 I felt uneasy and depressed and tried to cheer myself up shopping , but there was nothing I wanted and I caught any early train home .
10 There was nothing he wanted to see at any of the nearby cinemas , he 'd be irritable company in the local pub where he was a contender in a small bar-billiards school , so there was nothing for it but to spend the time watching television with the other sinners .
11 But it was me she wanted to talk to now .
12 The first time it was me who wanted a divorce , but the second time it was n't my choice .
13 Well , it now seemed that there was someone he wanted to see in Glasgow , so he was taking this chance to fit that in .
14 Almost every interview-but there was somebody he wanted to go back and see .
15 Well , it was somebody who wanted to know if her treasurer man was here ?
16 But it was you they wanted to kill ! ’
17 ‘ I do n't think it was you they wanted to kill .
18 No , it was you I wanted to tell .
19 ‘ I thought it was you who wanted to see me . ’
20 It was you who wanted to keep away from villages .
21 ‘ It was you who wanted to come , ’ said Betty , irritated .
22 Interviewed on TV-am , Dr Owen said the choice facing voters was who they wanted as Prime Minister .
23 She was everything he wanted — all ambition , all love , all comfort , all need , all passion embodied in Carla .
24 Order for her did not exist but was something she wanted to impose on the class .
25 I — she — there was something she wanted to know which I can now tell her . ’
26 Most potently , it was something she wanted to hear .
27 Maybe behind the gush there was something she wanted to say but was n't brazen enough to bring out too openly .
28 It was something he wanted not only to preserve but somehow to revive .
29 I took him into the hangar where the kites were and stroked his uniform , I kissed his insignia , Then I found out how far his freckles went down , I got him so worked up he 'd have promised me anything to let him do it to me That was really how he saw it , it was something he wanted to do to a girl .
30 It was something I wanted to try out somewhere else .
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