Example sentences of "[was/were] [conj] [pron] seemed " in BNC.

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1 If things were as they seemed it would n't matter .
2 The main problem was that everyone seemed to assume that Gouzenko was an expert on every facet of Russian intelligence operations .
3 My only memory of those auditions was that everyone seemed to have a better idea of why they were perfect for each particular part than I did !
4 Her safety-valve , the thing that prevented her from going round the bend , was the fun of devising and dishing out these splendid punishments , and the lovely thing was that they seemed to work , at any rate for short periods .
5 The important point was that there seemed to be no way of determinately reversing this higher-to-lower translation unless the target high-level language was already known .
6 The first thing we discovered was that there seemed to be almost no information to go on .
7 What was stranger still was that she seemed stressed and worried , and kept raising her wings into the wind and bending forward at it and then letting it lift her off her stand to the top of her cage where she stuck out her talons , hovered for a moment and then flopped inelegantly down again to the bare branch .
8 Gooch recalled playing against Waqar at Chelmsford : ‘ The first impression was that he seemed to have a very long run-up but he is obviously a very fine fast bowler with the ability to swing , particularly the old ball . ’
9 The irritating thing was that he seemed to be unaware of the beneficial effects of AZT , or the creative potential of AIDS sufferers .
10 The reality was that he seemed to have been forgotten and nothing was going to serve as a reminder unless the kidnappers broke their silence .
11 ‘ The oddest thing was that he seemed to have no interest in Mandela at all .
12 ‘ Edwin was always a joker but the point was that he seemed to undervalue his own work and to think less of my judgement because I did not .
13 The other side of your comment was that you seemed to like these certain basic typefaces .
14 The trouble was that it seemed almost unfair to Donald not to have another go .
15 The importance of Irwin 's triumph was that it seemed both classical and prototypical — an exemplification of triumphs past and a portent of triumphs to come .
16 All he did know at this moment was that it seemed a shame a girl such as Maggie here , with brains , because she was no fool , and a talent such as she had , should be encased in a body that held no appeal .
17 Film was nothing in itself but what had confirmed its worthlessness was that it seemed the exclusive property of a class of showmen who were direct descendants of the old fairground showmen .
18 The chief reason I 'd always been against abortion was that it seemed like tearing up a bill instead of paying it .
19 So all she could report was that it seemed dark and cruiser-shaped .
20 The trouble was that it seemed as likely as a lion apologising to a gazelle .
21 One of the reasons for using a recognition task was that it seemed less likely than the first study which used a recall test to be biased by the fact that subjects were aware that the study was concerned with risk .
22 And I thought it was because we seemed to be so much on the same wavelength .
23 Rich roared out of a conflagration of overlapping , overspilling , competing and confusing flailing emotions in which little was as it seemed .
24 I assured her that all was as it seemed , and that I was not under suspicion of murder , and that I was indeed doing all I could to help the police .
25 If the meaning of this oracle was as it seemed , the word ‘ brother ’ had surely a double monastic significance .
26 Nothing was as it seemed here .
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