Example sentences of "[is] clear [that] they " in BNC.

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1 They should only be established when it is clear that they can function effectively in a given situation .
2 So the conclusions is : ‘ It is important therefore not to mobilise European resources until it is clear that they would be needed and not simply hinder the operation . ’
3 Although precise definitions are hard to come by , it is clear that they looked to some kind of ideal worker , that is , someone who was trustworthy , interested , intelligent , literate and numerate , full of initiative , and capable of mental and physical agility .
4 A thought-provoking , if somewhat radical , plan from the American camp , and it is clear that they would have a strong-looking team .
5 It is clear that they had already formulated their ideas and been moving towards confirming them , but the definite proof still awaited the energy sensitive neutron spectrometer .
6 But when this and fines imposed on others as well as those firms involved in the Folding-Carton industry conspiracy are calculated against the gross revenues and then standardized as a fine imposed on a person earning $15,000 annually , it is clear that they are relatively minuscule .
7 While it is clear that they will not be identical ( see McGregor et al . ,
8 Whether or not the Chairman of the KGB ( Victor Chebrikov ) , the Minister of Foreign Affairs ( Eduard Shevardnadze ) and the senior Party Secretary for defence production ( until July 1985 Grigori Romanov ) , have the formal status of permanent members , it is clear that they are in regular attendance , as very likely are the Chairman of the MVD ( Vitaliy Fedorchuk ) and the Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission ( Leonid Smirnov ) .
9 However , on further examination it is clear that they often disagree as to what constitutes pornography , while overlapping on representations of sexual violence , they radically disagree on those of non-violent , non-marital sexual practices .
10 whatever their rules , it is clear that they were exceptionally wealthy , no fewer than fifty-seven having £200 or more , much the same as the number of liverymen .
11 It has still to be proved conclusively that these children were reared exclusively by animals , but it is clear that they all had minimal human contact .
12 But they do make sociolinguistic assumptions : in context it is clear that they also assume the early development of a socially elite variety , and we can see from the first sentence of the quotation that ‘ carefulness ’ is probably also involved .
13 If , for instance , guests used a swimming pool at a hotel after dark , it is clear that they have by so doing stepped outside the scope of their invitation or permission to use that part of the premises , and a duty is not owed to them .
14 And if it is clear that they have exercised their right of choice , problems can still arise in determining what precisely they have chosen .
15 It is clear that they do not wish to take responsibility .
16 The important point , however , is that the two " likes " must be treated as like in some respect ; and in the linguistic cases this does not merely mean that the two items co-ordinated must be on the same level in terms of specific syntactic classifications , as has often been remarked ; more importantly , it is clear that they must be alike in both bearing one of the other relations , already introduced , to some third element ; thus , in : ( 38 ) Nora is Irish and beautiful the structure is such that Irish and beautiful are both related to Nora by assignment , while in : ( 39 ) bed and board is going to take half his wages the relation of instantiation links both bed and board to the single entity in the subject position .
17 Comparing them to the English Baroque woodwinds , it is clear that they became the prototype and standard for English makers well into the 18th century .
18 First , it is clear that they would need to be mutually oriented ; they would each need to be aware of what the other was doing at any time .
19 Bill the and John started holding hands about a year ago and it 's already resulted in their engagement and it 's clear that they 're planning their big day for the summer of next year !
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