Example sentences of "[is] several [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When I said to you earlier erm there 's several ways in which you can help me now the main way you can help me is erm is er the way I do , the way I prefer to do business is by personal recommendations and you 've seen the service that I can give you , you 've seen , we 've been through your , your personal situation , your financial situation , have you found that of benefit ?
2 Right there are two kinds of courts that policemen , well there 's several kinds of court , but the main courts that policemen go to are a magistrate 's court where there is what 's known as , they are magistrates or JPs , Justice of the Peace , and they sit there and you have to give evidence .
3 We 've said that when it 's a baby inside its mum , does n't have to control its own temperature , and in actual fact it 's several days after birth , after the baby 's born that it can effectively produce its own heat and its metabolism functions efficiently .
4 Raymond is several shades of rose by now , Mrs Mills is a little tipsy and becoming fond of him . ’
5 The gateway is several feet in thickness but the outer face is in better condition ( 71 ) .
6 Subtly satirical of western gullibility towards ancient rituals and superstitions , this is several cuts above standard culture-clash fare .
7 The answer is several centuries of clever marketing .
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