Example sentences of "[is] almost [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Her birth is almost invariably a disappointment to her family ( because it is not a son who has been born ) .
2 The travel writer is almost exclusively a twentieth-century phenomenon .
3 Thus it can not be stressed too strongly that the process of transforming publicly available information artefacts into information that is directly usable with minimal resource expenditure by the strategic decision maker is almost always a very difficult and demanding job requiring a considerable amount of intelligence , training and expertise .
4 In addition , the ability to promote nitrogen fixation would be a great advantage in the reclamation of derelict land ( section 5.2.3 ) where nitrogen is almost always a limiting factor to growth .
5 When this planet is dominating , there is almost always a certain amount of upheaval .
6 It is almost always a fallacy to think that buying now on credit beats inflation .
7 There is almost always a pro and con view — except when England decide to change their shirt design again .
8 Tigers do kill and eat people , but there is almost always a reason .
9 No amount of reallocation makes the total reduce and yet the first reaction to bad numbers is almost always a rush to blame someone else on one 's own side !
10 At the time of marriage there is almost always a sense of , " it could n't happen to us , " but once marital difficulty arises the consideration of divorce as a solution is of itself more easy .
11 She is almost always a virgin … .
12 It is almost always a lack of storage space , or the fact that the file is dynamic and so can not be loaded in a single operation , that prevents self-indexing , and not the time taken to carry out the calculations .
13 Arm and back heights too , can be varied since they have to be built separately in the first place , and there is almost always a large range of covers available for the choosing within the price range .
14 This is almost always a parent-subsidiary relationship where one company ( the parent ) owns more than 50% of the outstanding voting shares of another company ( the subsidiary ) .
15 The period is almost always a calendar year ; the average population size may be the estimated midyear figure as in the UK or the average of the 1 January figures in the year in question and the following year .
16 However , this is almost more a problem of consistency .
17 Market research shows at least 3,500 practices plan to computerise in the next 12 months , and this is almost certainly a conservative figure .
18 It is almost certainly a noodle .
19 Augmentations are worth searching out , for there is many a manor , grand house , or estate which has at one time been owned by an eminent person in receipt of an augmentation of one kind or another — and there is almost certainly a good tale to tell .
20 If it is unusually wide , it is almost certainly a highly venomous form .
21 The best diet for your fish is almost certainly a staple diet of prepared food , supplemented with regular treats of live food , say , once a week .
22 The case of Zoila highlighted by Shapira ( 1978 ) is almost certainly a typical case .
23 If the battle in which Penda fought Cwichelm and Cynegils at Cirencester , dated to 628 in the Chronicle A ( s.a. 628 ) ( which is almost certainly a few years too early ) , can be safely placed before 633/4 , Penda was already a formidable force before Hatfield , but even if it were to date to a little after 633/4 it still reveals the wide-ranging character of Penda 's early activities .
24 ‘ Ravvolse il volo ’ can be dated between 1630 and 1636 by a textual reference , and the famous ‘ Ferito un cavaliero ’ , a lament for Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden , is almost certainly a late work composed in 1655 in anticipation of the visit to Rome of Gustavus 's daughter , Christina , a recent Catholic convert ; one can not imagine a Roman composer celebrating the Protestant hero at any earlier date .
25 A painting of a male head , which is almost certainly a study for the figure of the sailor that Picasso originally intended to place in the centre of the composition , while it is bolder and sketchier than a work like the Self-Portrait , shows all the earlier Iberian devices .
26 This had been described as a thrust , but it is almost certainly a submarine landslip deposit like those in Italy .
27 Greater transparency is almost certainly a good idea .
28 There is even a list of offices which claims that a dux was in charge of twelve civitates , but although this text has been seen as a Merovingian document , it is almost certainly a school-book , originating perhaps in the British Isles .
29 Given its setting , the building is almost inevitably a little like a spaceship settling on the dangerous surface of an alien planet .
30 This is probably what accounts for the fact that being featured in one of those articles entitled ‘ Faces to Watch in the New Year ’ , or worse , ‘ Who Will Be Who in the Coming Decade ’ is almost inevitably a ticket to total oblivion .
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