Example sentences of "[is] very easy [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is very easy to devise a machine that will punch one rivet hole every six inches , but imagine a column of newsprint in which every letter o was a hole through the paper , and then imagine that the paper was magnified to a width of two feet and pasted onto a sheet of wrought iron , half an inch thick .
2 And finally I can just look at erm draft planning policy guidance thirteen , it is very easy to lift one or two sentences out of either the draft planning policy note , or indeed the Ecotech report which underpins it , erm , I think if a full reading is made of that , what comes across strongly in the research is that there is a very complex relationship between urban forms and transport patterns , and indeed erm I think the advice in P P G , er draft P P G thirteen is prefaced with a note that erm , transport issues are , will be erm , there are very few general principles , if any , and local er considerations will influence the er the importance of this iss issue very considerably , what I think draft P P G thirteen does invite us to do is to more overtly look the transportation implications of alternative settlement patterns , and that 's all .
3 It is very easy to do so , especially if friends have moved away and you are busy .
4 It is very easy to do .
5 Nobody forces you to consume the equivalent of halfa dozen eggs at one meal , but it is very easy to do so , so if you have eaten a mousseline of scallops , red mullet , and écrevisses floating in a lake of sabayon sauce , then do not follow it with a honey ice cream or one of those ali baba affairs nor with a peach charlotte containing five egg yolks , but rather with a tarte fine chaude aux pommes acidulées , which is nothing more outlandish or richer than an old-fashioned apple tart made on a base of puff pastry .
6 Right it is very easy to do you just get into a nice little plodding along
7 Once I have finished knitting the first side of the neck it is very easy to replace the stitches for the second side on to the correct needles and knit on for a ‘ clean ’ neck every time .
8 When you live alone it is very easy to magnify every little ache and pain into a life-threatening illness .
9 If that is all you 've got even with a double lock , locking action it is very easy to open up .
10 I certainly found this new brush to be highly responsive , especially when used with acrylic colours , although it is also perfectly suitable for use with oil and is very easy to clean !
11 No on/off switch was included , since it is very easy to unclip the battery ; however , a switch could be included if preferred .
12 It is very easy to misread the indications , or misinterpret them .
13 The method is clearly convenient and cheap ; for instance , it is very easy to sample every tenth new patient passing through a hospital clinic even though the population of patients is gradually changing .
14 It is very easy to take other people for granted and not to work on our relationships , but they do need continuous attention .
15 Take careful note of the potential size — it is very easy to go wrong with these .
16 Sometimes as adults if a child for instance asks the question ‘ what is death ’ it is very easy to go into quite a long diatribe about life and death and get really profound , whereas in fact all a child may be wanting to know is how do you know if somebody 's dead , how can you tell the difference between somebody being dead and somebody being asleep ?
17 This phenomenon is almost impossible to illustrate in a monologue , and I would at this point have issued a handout , if the talk were not being recorded , for it is very easy to see a sentence in progress when the turns in the dialogue are written down .
18 He uses this church as an example because it is very easy to see the faults of the church through the irony of the poem .
19 Resistance , other than to the organocholorines , is confined so far to only five important malaria vectors so the potential for chemical control still exists in many parts of the world It is very easy to advocate the use of alternatives to these chemicals but if you examine those for vector control in detail you will find that most are directed against the aquatic stages of the mosquito and few cases of adequate malaria control by such an attack on any significant scale can be cited .
20 One advantage of a card file is that it is very easy to pick up handful of cards and flip through them in odd five minutes in order to memorise some new words .
21 It is very easy to pick up a meaning from a metaphor which was perhaps not the one intended .
22 Ministers in particular are keenly aware that whereas it is uphill work to gain popular support for specific policies , it is very easy to lose public confidence in the way that crime is handled .
23 It is very easy to lose half a letter of the headline , or a key element of the illustration , unless both typographer and art director are very careful ; and it is very easy , too , to find you have produced two separate , incomplete pages of advertising with no real link between them .
24 Micrometer measurements must be made frequently , as it is very easy to polish the section away completely if the rock is soft .
25 The Courier operates from batteries and therefore is very easy to install .
26 For one thing it is by no means easy to recognise an official curriculum and for another it is very easy to confuse a government 's policy , a process which is growing and evolving , with static written evidence which may be out of date and even recognised as such .
27 It is very easy to manage , lightweight , clean and water absorbent. useful for rooting cuttings and seed sowing .
28 Maggie Wheeler makes her guests feel entirely at home and certainly it is very easy to relax in this ‘ no rules ’ atmosphere , where you can enjoy meeting the other guests around the kitchen table in an informal atmosphere with Maggie taking the time to help you plan your itinerary .
29 One final point to remember is that it is very easy to overtrain the arms .
30 But it is generally more helpful to give meals for slimmers in single portions and it is very easy to multiply up the quantities , of course .
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