Example sentences of "[is] also possible that " in BNC.

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1 It is also possible that party members in Barnsley would prefer a more moderate candidate .
2 Thirdly , it is also possible that the advances in birth control operating within the climate of an ‘ acquisitive society ’ might well have permitted couples to plan their family lives in such a way as to allow them to enjoy the consumer benefits of society .
3 It is also possible that with the decline in activity in Norfolk , other eastern counties were considered attractive for the next phase in development , perhaps because the ground in the west appeared to have been secured through Shearman and Miss Green .
4 It is also possible that cultural adaptations during this phase may have selected genetic bases for behaviour in ways that ensured the development of social strategies designed to ensure that individuals fitted well into the existing social structure .
5 And , I should add , it is also possible that none does so .
6 It is also possible that apoproteins and phospholipids resulting from the breakdown of VLDL to LDL transfer to HDL 3 to form a particle resembling HDL 2 ( Patsch et al , 1978 ; Tall , 1979 ) .
7 This may be because of the difference in lithology between the platform sediments of the Z2 and Z3 Carbonates , but is also possible that the episodes of exposure and leaching in the Z3 Carbonate were of shorter duration and therefore less effective in generating porosity .
8 It is also possible that some small babies have insufficient lactase to cope with very large feeds — they can digest small feeds , but if their morning feed is larger than usual , the extra lactose overwhelms their capacity to cope with it .
9 It is also possible that two of these constituents in their liquid form substitute for water as a suspension medium for organic compounds .
10 It is also possible that the fowl 's red face and strutting gait reminded the English of a caricature of a haughty Turkish dignitary , complete with fez , especially as the curious gobbling noise sounded rather like Arabic .
11 Moreover , it is also possible that management took the view that unskilled workers could be controlled more easily than skilled workers because they had less powerful union backing , and that they could be replaced more easily because there was a bigger pool of labour to draw from .
12 It is also possible that magistrates gave defendants the benefit of the doubt when in the preliminary inquiry both sides produced witnesses who appeared unreliable .
13 It is also possible that many advertisers were put off by the political tone .
14 ‘ It is also possible that an assignment you accept turns out to be different from what you had been led to believe .
15 It is also possible that the king held his own country estates and was , to that extent , self-supporting .
16 It is also possible that the tribal tattoos which Savage Orc Shamans paint onto the Orcs ' bodies protect them in some way .
17 It is also possible that , on 22 May , the Executive Committee may spring a surprise by agreeing to appoint an outsider .
18 The current position is that the language of the Convention suggests one conclusion , while the intentions of the parties another ; it is also possible that those intentions changed after the negotiations precisely because of the changed stance of the United States .
19 It is also possible that the numbers are used as symbols of power and importance , rather than a literal count of heads .
20 However , it is also possible that the extra arm of the X chromosome holds genes not found in the Y chromosome . )
21 It is also possible that guls possessed some mystical or totemistic significance , but although symbols aimed at warding off the " evil eye " are still found in some tribal weaving , any deeper meaning attributed to them can now be little more than conjecture .
22 It is also possible that in this variable phonology there was some tendency to merge final /?/ with /t/ .
23 It is also possible that Grb2 or Sos proteins are modified by other signals emitted from activated receptors to compromise or increase their ability to couple .
24 This reasoning seems plausible , though it is also possible that policies which , as it turned out , led to non-profitable growth , might at least is some cases be accounted for simply as failed experiments in increasing profitability .
25 It is also possible that the shares chosen for inclusion in the arbitrage portfolio are those which have a high price elasticity .
26 However , it is also possible that these domains might not be directly involved in the association but that deletions of these regions might induce a conformational change of each protein , affecting the interaction .
27 It is also possible that the POU S domain may contribute to transcriptional activation ( 23,67 ) .
28 It is also possible that the bedding of the wall plate may be included with ( b ) or ( c ) above .
29 Once an area is known it is also possible that , where houses with large gardens and potential for demolition and redevelopment are offered for sale , the developer may be able to effect a purchase .
30 It is also possible that in some cases ‘ improved attitudes ’ is another way of saying that nothing of substance was achieved .
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