Example sentences of "[is] also shown [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As the aim of many of the BES assured tenancy companies is eventually to obtain value by selling or redeveloping the properties when they are vacant , it would be useful for shareholders to know what the market value is with vacant possession , even if the present value with tenants in possession is also shown as a note .
2 The centurion is also shown to be a compassionate man , for he cares about the health of one of his servants .
3 This pattern of greater flexibility toward outside investigation of human rights abuses is also shown by the Sri Lankan government 's acceptance of visits by both the UN Rapporteur on Extra-Judicial Executions and the UN Working Group on Disappearances .
4 The complicated nature of this debate is also shown by the fact that analysis of General Household Survey data for 1974 by Klein and Collins reached results which disagree somewhat with the findings reported so far .
5 Accent always entails the occurrence of a strong stress on the appropriate syllable of the accented word ; when this word contains the nucleus of the word group , accent is also shown by a change of pitch or by sustaining pitch .
6 The Shetland pony is also shown by many people , this breed of pony can be ridden by children and small adults , this is because the Shetland has a strong back .
7 The party 's myopic concentration on the kind of agricultural organizations it wished to nurture for the future is also shown in the frequent reports for 1922 on the fragile co-operative network .
8 Lawrence 's explanation is also shown in the figure .
9 The distribution of machair land in the islands is also shown in Figure 1 .
10 The adiabatic CDM model with , is also shown in Fig. 1 a .
11 The completed family size is also shown in figure 4.1 for real birth cohorts of women .
12 Thus , in this diagrammatic representation of photography , fashion is also shown in the curious mirror devised for it by Cindy Sherman , and advertising returns a regard shaped by the " electronic scissors ’ — as he calls his camera — of Richard Prince .
13 It is also shown in Fig. 5.6 ( in the case of rising yield curves ) and Fig. 5.7 ( in the case of falling yield curves ) .
14 The percentage of cases with resting pressure below 12 mm Hg ( lower limit of our normal values ) is also shown in this Table .
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