Example sentences of "[is] so serious [that] " in BNC.

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1 This is so serious that for world championship flying , many gliders are now fitted with a means of cleaning off the leading edges of the wings in flight .
2 The situation is so serious that for any government to do what is necessary , it will have to be hated .
3 If your inadequacy is so serious that , to use one phrase from the case law , there is an ‘ irredeemable incapability ’ , so that being given a warning and an opportunity to mend your ways would simply be a waste of time and might put the business at risk , it may be just to dismiss you as soon as the full extent of your failings comes to light .
4 The good news is that , even in the minority of cases where the only solution is to leave your job and try your luck elsewhere , it is unusual for a dispute to arise that is so serious that you finish up in front of a judge or an industrial tribunal .
5 But the judge said : ‘ This offence is so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified .
6 Well , what else is so serious that it 'll stop you from marrying ? ’
7 It 's still a hot air story , and we give most hot air stories — some dignitary with no power to do anything to change the situation has ‘ called for ’ , ‘ demanded ’ , ‘ warned ’ or whatever — but the issue is so serious that it deserves notice : we have frequently highlighted the manner in which US — and European — anti-dumping measures that supposedly benefit a tiny minority are to the detriment of the vast majority , and there is now a groundswell of opinion at the US Department of Commerce that the International Trade Commission 's brief in considering charges of dumping should extend to a review of the impact of duties on consumers ; the current issue is the anti-dumping duties likely to be made permanent today on memory chip imports from South Korea , which are sought by Micron Technology Inc but opposed by both all memory chip users and by the US chip capital equipment manufacturers that sell to the South Koreans .
8 Since the collapse of communist rule in 1989 some improvements to the cityscape have been made , but the damage to buildings is so serious that the government has declared the city a disaster zone .
9 If you are likely to incur any losses in the future , particularly if your injury is so serious that you are unable to continue in normal employment , then we will undertake the investigation necessary to recover appropriate compensation .
10 But he said ’ The offence with which you are charged is so serious that despite your personal mitigating factors a non-custodial sentence can not be justified . ’
11 Coun Gilchrist said : ‘ The situation is so serious that the whole system is creaking under the strain .
12 ‘ We are worried that the damage to the ankle is so serious that there will never be a full recovery for professional sports activity , ’ said Professor Marc Martens after he had operated on the AC Milan player for more than an hour in Antwerp .
13 But Judge Robin David told Dodman : ‘ This matter is so serious that a custodial sentence is inevitable .
14 But Judge Robin David told Dodman : ‘ This matter is so serious that a custodial sentence is inevitable . ’
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