Example sentences of "[is] happening in [det] " in BNC.

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1 What 's happening in that hospital is nothing short of a crime .
2 Er , but that 's an indication of what 's happening in that area , and indeed , the members erm , I am pleased to say , have taken the right attitude to that , recognised that that 's the case and er addressing that , together with the revenue spend , erm , in a manner which I find is erm , of responsible and approved .
3 Now we 've got to race against time again , this is not just happening in NUPE it 's happened all over and it 's gon na it 's happening in this union before it starts .
4 What 's happening in this ?
5 For those who are n't totally sort of in control of the plot and I probably should include myself as one of them , what 's happening in this scene I want you to act out .
6 What 's happening in this scene ?
7 I 've I 've got your range of one to six here , John , and I 'm not I must stress I 'm not singling you out — I mean your company is fairly typical of what 's happening in this area — but the main difference between one and six is that erm two and six is that number two covers for two hundred part up to two hundred pounds
8 With me in the studio is Stan Bowes , who 's the Head of Marketing for the Thames and Chilterns Tourist Board , and Stan can obviously talk about what 's happening in this immediate area , but first of all I 'll go to the telephone because waiting to talk to us is Michael Medleycote , who 's the Chief Executive of the British Tourist Authority .
9 But I think you could do , see the whole great thing about what 's happening in this electronic change in print is that broadcasting 's advantage has been almost completely wiped out .
10 Right , now if we look on , erm we come to Regional Action Networks , another reason why Amnesty seems not to allocate more than one prisoner and all now is that they have expanded the ways in which we deal with prisoners and the world is more or less been divided up into areas , erm , of smaller regions and groups are asked to choose one or two regions to deal with particularly and we , we have for quite a long time now erm been concerned with Southern Africa and Central America and we get information through on prisoners and what 's happening in those two regions , so John do you have anything else on Africa at all ?
11 But the fact should also be faced that these two developments represent in microcosm what has happened and is happening in many of Britain 's older industrial towns .
12 I 've been quite frightened by what is happening in many areas of conservation and environment problems , and I decided that the best , one of the best , courses that I could take was to incorporate conservation in my work .
13 No I , I think there is , there is a lot of evidence that this is happening in all of the villages
14 ‘ What is happening at the DVLA is happening in all civil service jobs in Wales .
15 But something is happening in that upper panel .
16 In order to understand what is happening in that country we have to see its internal developments as the effects of what is happening to the international economy as a whole .
17 Despite the fact that modern history grows old within a week , I commend that book to people who want to understand what is happening in that part of the world .
18 Assuming a fair wind on major infrastructure , access , and drainage , it is unlikely that a new settlement would be producing a significant group of housings until somewhere around , at the very best , end ninety six into the of ninety seven period , in that context , what is happening in that short intervening period , assuming certain planning guidance comes forward to help that intervening period , and will that new settlement actually be built out prior to two prior to two thousand and six , will the fourteen hundred dwellings be built in that period , question mark , probably not , it will lap over , therefore in that context of a gap at the beginning , and a potential overlap at the end , it is very important again to revisit the peripheral land issue .
19 What on earth is happening in this mysterious house ?
20 We need to get out and see the trade , and get a feel for what is happening in those markets as well .
21 ‘ It is very exciting what is happening in these countries ’ .
22 If one can not — and that is happening in some cases — it only means that … ’
23 Nevertheless , if there is any sense in which capitalism can develop the Third World , and there is evidence that this is happening in some countries or in some sectors , then the theoretical elaboration of the idea of dependency reversal may be useful .
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