Example sentences of "[is] suggested that [art] " in BNC.

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1 The lack of liquid refreshment during a two hour meeting could be seen as a lack of courtesy and , if this occurs again , it is suggested that a tactful reference to the need for a drink be made during the meeting — the result may be only a glass of water , but that is better than nothing !
2 Here , it is suggested that a score of +10 or -10 points should be regarded as a discrepancy and worthy of further assessment .
3 Building on the recognition that families have repetitive patterns of behaviour it is suggested that a social worker joins a family group , by listening to each individual in turn .
4 It is suggested that a useful starting point might be to classify the nine major points of difference which are outlined as distinguishing the two value positions .
5 In this argument it is suggested that a proposition with probability 1 is certain .
6 Thus it is suggested that a hierarchy of social groups has been replaced by a hierarchy of individuals .
7 Whether or not the directors themselves had been negligent was not in issue , but it is suggested that a finding to that effect would have been more problematical .
8 It is suggested that a spokesman on public affairs could be appointed to put forward the Church 's viewpoint on the political situation .
9 It is suggested that a five year timespan may be too long .
10 It is suggested that a barcode system for labels is the only practicable way forward , and the Garden should invest in the barcoding software and printing equipment as soon as possible .
11 It is suggested that a brief indication of the contents of a module should be given here .
12 Owing to the continually rising cost of attending courses in Germany and Switzerland it is suggested that a summer course should be held in July or August 1982 , possibly at Green Park Training Centre , Aston Clinton , Buckinghamshire .
13 Accordingly , where the draftsman wishes to create more than one right to renew , it is suggested that a perpetually renewable lease should be expressly negatived .
14 Once the documentation is agreed it is suggested that a " completion date " should be arranged so that the relevant searches can be made ( see Chapter 3 , p30 ) and any payment of monies requisitioned in time for the " completion date " .
15 Once the documentation is complete , it is suggested that a " completion date " be agreed , so that the necessary searches can be made ( see Chapter 3 , p30 ) and monies requisitioned by reference to that date .
16 It is suggested that no compartment of a high-bay warehouse should be bigger than is able to be covered by one sprinkler system .
17 So it is suggested that the Zuwaya image of statelessness was substantially a replica of how their ancestors conceived their society ought to have been , rather than a true and accurate picture of how it was .
18 It is suggested that the civil , political and social elements of Marshall 's version of the citizenship of entitlement are essential but not sufficient for a modern concept .
19 It is suggested that the specific objectives of any given test be clearly identified before the test is started , since only if the objectives are clearly defined can the test be carried out most efficiently and with the greatest economy of time and effort .
20 It is suggested that the UK 's existing LFA is assessed in order to define at least 3 zones of natural handicap within it , viz : —
21 The matter is discussed in detail in Chapter 9 , where it is suggested that the quality of stock on the shelves can only be maintained through extensive stock revision , and that most public library authorities would at present benefit from allocating at least 40% of their bookfunds to stock revision .
22 It may be recalled that it is suggested that the origin of ‘ -desire ’ could be also the origin of life , and is one of the timeless mysteries relegated to the pre-life period of the story of the universe .
23 There are no critical layout requirements although it is suggested that the decoupling capacitor , C1 , be placed close to the supply pins of the microcontroller IC1 .
24 In Jakob Grimm 's Teutonic Mythology , it is suggested that the tradition originated from Woden or Odin , the principal god of Germanic pagan religion , but the image also has parallels with the four horsemen of the biblical apocalypse .
25 If the order is to be disrupted it is because one of the younger sons shows remarkable promise but being a ‘ family ’ anxious to demonstrate tolerance , envy and jealousy are masked and can certainly be dissipated if it is suggested that the elder brothers had a hand in the development .
26 It is suggested that the taking of medical advice and careful consultation with the employee concerned are essential before coming to a final decision on the matter .
27 A sign in a Zurich hotel says : ‘ Because of the impropriety of entertaining guests of the opposite sex in the bedroom , it is suggested that the lobby be used for this purpose . ’
28 In order to obtain a profile which summarises the child 's grammatical strengths and weaknesses , it is suggested that the teacher or therapist carry out a total of eight scans of the transcript .
29 For pre-school children , it is suggested that the BPVT might be used as a screening instrument to identify children who may require some form of special or compensatory provision , and as a way of indicating a child 's readiness for reading .
30 On this basis , it is suggested that the test offers a valid way of screening for linguistic disorders .
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