Example sentences of "[is] followed by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That 's followed by red , blue , grey , gold and silver .
2 That 's followed by world number seven Steve James against Maltese Tornado Tony Drago .
3 Migraine , too , is followed by nausea and vomit rather as sin is followed by remorse .
4 A concise introduction into international postwar painting , the text takes its starting point with Jackson Pollock in New York and Wols in Paris and ends with Mark Rothko and Barnett Newman , and is followed by colour reproductions and commentaries on a series of individual works .
5 In most cases receivership is followed by liquidation since the business is often left insolvent .
6 This is followed by telephone advice work , and attending management committee meetings and management working groups .
7 This is followed by presentation of the much less appreciated production of Prague and Germany , France and the Gobelins , and the Bourbons in Madrid and Naples .
8 Training by association or ‘ correction-praise' works on the principle that a dog is motivated by knowing that a good action is followed by pleasure and reward and a bad action is followed by correction .
9 The use of high and low frequency ultrasonic waves in polymer chemistry is followed by polymerisation together with references .
10 At line 37 V interjects in Creole " you see what the woman 's wearing ! " which is followed by laughter from the others .
11 This is followed by laughter .
12 The climax to this game suddenly dispels the tension and is followed by mother and infant laughing .
13 This event , according to Ross and co-workers , is followed by deposition of intra-cellular and extracellular lipid and accumulation of other components , including collagen ( Ross & Glomset , 1976 ; Ross & Marker , 1976 ) .
14 This process is followed by endocytosis and lysosomal breakdown of LDL .
15 sniffing can have an effect on the heart , so if it is followed by exertion or fright , death may result .
16 The initial shock is followed by grief .
17 This text therefore proposes that data analysis is followed by database implementation .
18 Exhilaration is followed by fear .
19 This phase is followed by repair , which consists of angiogenesis , fibrinolysis , and the interaction of various growth factors on their target cells .
20 Training by association or ‘ correction-praise' works on the principle that a dog is motivated by knowing that a good action is followed by pleasure and reward and a bad action is followed by correction .
21 After a few bars of dialogue between Orfeo and the shepherds , Dafne returns with her tragic news which she recites in strikingly contrasted tones : which is followed by recitative conversation between Euridice , Orfeo , Dafne , and the shepherds .
22 The discovery of unfaithfulness is followed by anger and recriminations , anguish and uncertainty .
23 Migraine , too , is followed by nausea and vomit rather as sin is followed by remorse .
24 And if yesterday 's result is followed by defeat in the first Test at Old Trafford , the clamour for change at the top will reach a crescendo .
25 is preceded by silence and is followed by silence , and so and are said to be in a position of external open juncture .
26 It is followed by guidance on how to make the best use of existing staff .
27 A Colombian family will gather in the homes of its members during this period , and prayer is followed by dining and dancing .
28 For some antigens , the binding of retrovirus-associated antibody fragments to cell surfaces is followed by membrane fusion between virus and target cell : streptavidin-linked biotinylated monoclonal antibodies have been used to link ecotropic retroviruses to the surface of nonpermissive human cells with subsequent transfer of the viral genome into the target cells 27 .
29 Methyltransfer [ ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ] is followed by regeneration of the catalyst via β-elimination [ ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ] .
30 This is followed by bronchiolitis and finally bronchitis as the larvae become immature adults and move up the bronchi .
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