Example sentences of "[is] not widely use " in BNC.

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1 Lead-lag analysis is a fairly simplistic method of demand forecasting , and is not widely used .
2 The UK operates a system of aids to joint investment schemes for forage groups ( under Article 11 of the LFA Directive ) through ‘ Food from Britain' and includes grant aid of 25% for certain machinery and 15% for tractors but this is not widely used in the UK .
3 Biogas produced in this way is not widely used as an alternative energy source in the developed world , but is now widely used in China where several million small-scale digesters have been constructed to produce fuel for cooking and lighting at a local level .
4 The idea of the kingdom of Heaven is still relevant to Christians even though the term is not widely used today .
5 It is not widely used for research outside the military because of the cost of high fidelity simulator time .
6 Ultrastructural evidence of neuroendocrine differentiation may be shown but is not widely used to discriminate primary site of origin .
7 Although social class is one of the census categories ( see Chapter 2 ) , it is not widely used in the publication of official statistics on education .
8 However , assembly is not widely used at present and as more companies develop RISCs it is likely that this architecture will dominate the CISC design in the future .
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