Example sentences of "[is] not impossible that " in BNC.

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1 What effects disturbances on the spiritual plane may have on our mental , emotional or physical well-being are more difficult to assess but it is not impossible that our view of ourselves as machines , with a denial of any spiritual aspect and a consequent loss of meaning in our lives , may be one cause of much of the unhappiness and frustration seen today with results as different as vandalism and cancer — aspects of destruction at one level or another .
2 It is not impossible that the situation is harder to tolerate in these households than in those with single carers .
3 Family property owning patterns are affected by widespread home ownership , so it is not impossible that in addition to ordinary feelings of affection , concern and duty , some carers may be under pressure to care , to save family wealth seeping out in expensive residential care fees .
4 For if the general shape , the location , and the motion of objects can be computed in a low-level , autonomous fashion , then it is not impossible that a kingfisher may possess comparable perceptual mechanisms capable of computing the depth of a fish in water .
5 It is not impossible that by election-day the memory of past Socialist errors ( committed by the man still leading the party ) will have eaten away Mr Papandreou 's present lead , and that Mr Mitsotakis will pull off as big a surprise as the one the equally uncharismatic John Major pulled off in Britain last year .
6 Investigations by S. E. Winbolt showed that the first two had small rectangular enclosures of about three acres and these are so like the burgi on Watling Street that it is not impossible that they represent part of the fortified system established by Constantius Chlorus , although the dating evidence indicates an earlier origin .
7 It is not impossible that nationalism will decline with the decline of the nation-state .
8 It is not impossible that nationalism will decline with the decline of the nation-state , without which being English or Irish or Jewish , or a combination of all these , is only one way in which people describe their identity among the many others which they use for this purpose , as occasion demands .
9 It is not impossible that his severity on Galileo was one way of saving face — an attempt to placate prominent Jesuits still smarting from wounds that Galileo had inflicted on their colleagues in earlier debates about the nature of sunspots and comets .
10 It is not impossible that [ h ] -loss became fashionable because of its loss in French , but this can not be demonstrated .
11 We can not at the moment reconstruct with certainty what the ordering of relevant environments in EModE might have been , or whether it was always nasals that were decisive : as Lowland Scots preserves evidence of a raising rule before dentals/alveolars ( for example in glad , gather , Saturday ) , it is not impossible that hendes , bend attest to pre-dental raisings .
12 Though the Life says that Aethelbald 's happiness as king had grown in succeeding years ( since his accession ) ( Vita Guthlaci , ch. 52 ) , it is not certain that this means that Aethelbald was ‘ apparently at the height of his power ’ , and it is not impossible that the Life dates to a period before Aethelbald had asserted his authority outside his own kingdom — perhaps c .
13 It is not impossible that on Cuthred 's death in 755 Aethelbald supported Cynewulf against Sigeberht in the ensuing struggle for the West Saxon kingship .
14 The central fact of the history of the south-east before 784 is the independent rule of Ecgberht , king of Kent , and it is not impossible that before the late 780s Sussex was more within his sphere of influence than Offa 's .
15 But in view of passages in Revelation like 7:3 which speak of ‘ sealing the servants of God in their fore-heads ’ , and Romans 4:11 which speaks of circumcision as ‘ the sign and seal of being in the right with God through faith ’ , it is not impossible that baptism may have been in the apostle 's mind when he spoke of this sealing with the Spirit .
16 It is not impossible that the change was influenced by rivalry .
17 It is not impossible that on this sea voyage he was accompanied by Panaetius , who , according to a very fragmentary and dubious passage of the index Stoicorum , apparently travelled by sea with Scipio at about this time ( col. 56 , ed .
18 Elsewhere , in the Danube province of Upper Moesia , stratores were to be found supervising road stations at both Nis ( Naissus ) and Cuprija ( Horreum Margi ) , and it is not impossible that they were doing the same in Britain .
19 It is not impossible that , if the enclosure was abandoned in the withdrawal of the Roman army from Britain , civilians might have moved in to take advantage of its protection .
20 It was clearly a site of some importance and it is not impossible that Rochester was the centre of one of the four Kentish kingdoms mentioned by Caesar , although by the time of Claudius ' invasion these kingdoms appear to have been united under one ruler .
21 I suppose it is not impossible that , if I had needed to make application to the authorities to undertake a dash to and from London for the purpose I had in mind , the brother-in-law 's request might by some happy chance have ‘ married up ’ with my own application .
22 It is not impossible that S 985 is simply a forgery concocted by Eadui to protect his church from the demands of royal officials .
23 The hand that copied the music was certainly of thoroughly professional quality , but it is not impossible that any of the named persons could have acquired such a hand , or , indeed , been a professional copyist .
24 Well it 's not impossible that er that that developments er can take place erm without erm without having some effects , but what what I 'm basically saying is that erm it it er it would n't be a serious effect acceptable in normal planning terms .
25 ‘ I mean , it 's not impossible that the police 'll get a search warrant for my place .
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